Bursting Another Tom Moran Bubble

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Obama vs. Romney debateIt never ceases to amaze me, Save Jerseyans. The Newark Star-Ledger‘s notoriously thin-skinned editorial board chieftain, Tom Moran, continues to confound statisticians by being wrong about EVERYTHING. Without fail. Not even close to the mark! And doesn’t seem to give a damn.

Moran hates everyone who doesn’t believe what he believes; he’s driven by emotion, not facts.

The good news is that his disdain for truth makes him easy to pick apart. I’ve obliterated Moran’s pro-gun control rants, for example, on more than one occasion with stone cold facts. The bad news? His newspaper isn’t dying quickly enough to completely neutralize the threat that is his hate-driven ignorance.

So we’ll continue to fact check’em until he’s out of a job.

Thursday’s editorial board screed didn’t really have a focused point; long-story short, he seized upon Mitt Romney’s appearance at Chris Christie’s birthday party to declare, unbelievably, that “the vast majority of Americans are happy to be in a country” with Obamacare and other Obama era policies intact.

Americans where? Living abroad in Scotland?

Moran admits, in passing, that Democrats find themselves “frustrated with the present administration.” It’s a calculated and dishonest understatement. Recent polling on point finds the American people disposed to vote for Romney over Obama were they afforded a do-over. Even in New Jersey, where a Republican presidential candidate hasn’t won since 1988, Barack Obama’s approval rating is down to 36%. And try as he might, it’s not just a personal/leadership thing; public support for Obamacare remains upside down – by double digits – in every recent public survey

The American people want an alternative. They’re just not seeing it for 2016. Not yet. A toxic combination of media bias and GOP haplessness doesn’t help.

obama and reaganMoran’s bias is so extreme that he can lie without blinking. His editorial board’s claim that 10 million Americans were newly insured by the ACA is absurd and discredited; it’s been estimated that “only 22% of Obamacare sign-ups are paid, previously uninsured enrollees.” Double-counting, false counting, rampant fraud and yes, sign-ups from those who lost their preferred plans when ACA took effect – hundreds of thousands in the Garden State alone – account for the exalted but clearly bullshit numbers trumpeted by Moran and his ilk.

Remember the President’s “jobs created OR saved” silliness? This is the same species of creative mathematics…

Which brings us to Moran’s other bogus claim of 54 consecutive months of job growth. Get real! Not only is the Obama “recovery” dramatically under-performing relative to his predecessors, both Republican and Democrat, but the truth is a LOT more complicated and, surprise surprise, unfavorable to the administration.

The rate of job growth is what matters, right? My boss could raise my salary by $50 per year for 10 years, but since those salary bumps are well below the rate of inflation, I’m not really getting any richer, am I? This jobs business is no different; the economy continues to “add” net jobs, true, but at a historically slow rate that can’t compensate for (1) population growth and (2) the jobs previously lost both during the recession and concurrently; consequently, overall total workforce participation (the number of Americans working) is now lower than it’s been since 1981, when Ronald Reagan took office to clean up the peanut farmer’s mess.

So yeah… I’ve got no clue what Tom Moran is talking about. I’m not sure he does anymore. Almost no one is happy with this guy, not just because he golfs all of the time but owing to the fact that his policies have been nothing short of disastrous for the American people. Taking cheap shots at Mitt Romney isn’t going to change that.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I agree we have a “weak” president. His foriegn and domestic policies are disastrous. In my opinion he is even weaker than the ” peanut farmer”given he’s had twice as long to screw things up. All that aside the real problem here is journalism doesnt exist anymore and opinionism reigns supreme and the voters are the ones who lose because they cant make an unbiased informed decision.

  2. ^unbiased decisions would be those that deem all D’s as incompetent boobs and all R’s as saviors to the republic. Obama’s foreign policy is like Bush but on steroids. You want war and drone strikes like Bush? You have them in spades with Obama…pakistan, yemen, syria, lybia, games in the ukraine, and funding ISIS to overthrow Assad in Syria, funding al queda to beat Quaddafi in Libya. Although he has Bush beat because GW only invaded Afghanistan and Iraq but he did do drone strikes in Pakistan

    hate Obama’s big government at home? so then you must LOVE the DHS, NSA expansion, the Patriot Act, Medicare Part D, and No Child Left Behind, TARP and the auto bailouts…you know because an Republican signed those into law

  3. No. To me unbiased means news media calling it down the middle like their supposed to. If Obama F’s up I want to see it on MSNBC without the softening blow of “fluff” that will come with it. Same goes for FOX news and any republican. As far as I’m concerned ALL politicians are narcisistic liars. They dont do the job because they feel its their civic duty. They do it because their egos allow them to think they are the ones who can make a difference. Then their egos get played upon and they fall into the machine. If Tom Moran is lying, stretching the truth or ommiting facts then he’s doing his readers a disservice. Period.

  4. Moron is a dinosaur. He is little more than a leftover, 60’s ideologue that cares more about political ideology than facts.

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