By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
And the GOP primary isn’t a national contest so much as a state-by-state brawl.
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush may also be benefiting from a bump following his early announcement.
Still, I’m sure Christie backers would’ve liked a stronger showing in Monday’s released CNN/ORC Poll showing Gov. Bush leading Governor Christie, his next closest hypothetical competitor, by a full 10-points, 23% to 13%.
Check out the full polling report here.
What say you: Bush or Christie?
Thats easy! Christie!!
Christie …
Way too early to tell anything. There hasn’t even been any debates. Anyone who says who they are voting for now is in way, shape or form an educated voter.
Christie, he’s the only one who can win nationwide!
If republicans are actually stupid enough to nominate another Bush for the Presidency, they get what they deserve.
If I were a republican, I’d vote bush. If I were a democrat, I’d vote christie. If either one gets in, millions of Conservatives will stay home.
Don’t anyone get their panties in a twist. Neither will be the nominee if I were a betting man.
Sorry not buying these polls for one minute if the GOP picks Jeb its over and i and most Republicans are done
Right now my position I will stay home before I vote for either of them
This is just more media B.S. Who are you polling Demorats? Cut the CRAP!
Easy…..Ted Cruz….Dr. Ben Carson….Col. Allen West…….anybody but another liberal Bush or RINO like Christie………
And then, there is this, which means all of this is just, well; meaningless at this point. http://www.tpnn.com/2014/12/29/new-2016-presidential-straw-poll-results-are-in-the-gop-establishment-wont-be-happy-about-it/
If we nominate Bush then we give Hillary a win in 2016.
Rand Paul
Pet rock. Definitely pet rock.
Clinton – Bush 2016!
Neither of these choices will get the base vote. They should both be primary fails. I’ll do everything I can to keep them off of the ticket.
CC is what this country needs! no nonsense leadership!!
Staying home sounds to be the best out of the two
Neither dopes
Neither dopes
Christie’s Bush
#Jeb2016. Another Bush to crash the economy.
I’d vote Libertarian.
Bush or Christie and my vote continues to go Libertarian. RNC needs to pick someone who truly believes in freedom and liberty and stop putting these impostors up for election, who are no different than the democrats.
I wouldn’t vote for either in the primary but I like Bush better than Christie. I will vote for whoever is the Republican nominee. We need to do whatever we can so we don’t have another Dem President to further damage our country.