By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
We all love a good April Fool’s joke, Save Jerseyans, but something tells me this week’s video from the Assembly Democrats featuring Budget Chair Gary Schaer wasn’t offered in jest. Comment is required even with Bob Menendez sucking up all of the political oxygen at the moment:
Allow me translate for you: “We’re ready to sacrifice! By sacrificing absolutely NOTHING.”
Here we go again. It’s the same old song. We’ve heard this double-talk endlessly for years and, uncoincidentally, from Schaer himself. The sky is falling! They say it every fiscal year. But unlike a family or business that immediately goes to work cutting expenses in the face of a fiscal crisis, Trenton politicians categorically refuses to consider cutting a single nickel. And then they inevitably fall back on “new revenues” (a.k.a. raping and pillaging the taxpayers) to get out of making hard decisions.
Where’s the plan, Assemblyman? That doesn’t involve levying higher taxes on the most-taxed state in the nation?
You cite a fiscal crisis, then talk about all of the things you WON’T cut. Fiscal responsibility for a Democrat = a taxpayer bailout when the kitty runs low.
You also ignored any additional structural reforms to the real drivers to New Jersey’s property taxes: court-mandated pension and education spending. We’re never going to be truly healthy again without controlling these costs.
But you don’t care. It’s utterly and completely disgraceful. And a waste of our time.
At least try conserving our time if not our money! You could’ve told the people paying the bills (and your salary) to go screw themselves in 10 seconds; a two-minute digital middle finger is total overkill, don’t ya think?
History, unlike legislators, doesn’t lie: