New Jersey loses 6,400 jobs in March

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

There’s no way to spin the suck, Save Jerseyans.

We’re not in good shape.

Unemployment LineThat’s the state of affairs confirmed by today’s report state labor officials; New Jersey lost 6,400 jobs in March 2015 and its unemployment rate ticked up to 6.5% after having added 9,200 in February.

Yes, the cold weather delayed seasonal hiring, and sure, February’s revised numbers aren’t terrible.

But economic growth is a competitive game, and when your state consistently lags the national unemployment picture by a point or better, then it’s time to look for an offensive variable (in this case, our worst in the nation tax climate) as the reason for our consistent under-performance. The answer: we aren’t competitive!

Court-dictated pension and education spending is part of the problem; cumulative, constitutionally-enshrined bad decisions are also to blame.

We’ll keep saying it until Trenton develops a consensus around reality… and our fellow citizens wake the hell up…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Rooney blusters: “We’ll keep saying it until Trenton develops a consensus around reality.”

    Why not simply hold your breath instead? It’ll be so much more fun to imagine you turning blue and then collapsing on top of your keyboard, Matt.

  2. No one is waking up. I work for the state now, why? Regulations killed commercial construction in this state. I’m super conservative, and I see more spending now than under the last two democrats. I wasted my vote when I voted for christie. Was hoping he would fix civil service, it’s a joke, nothing. Hoped he would make it so I wouldn’t have to pay union dues, nothing. I almost think he likes the unions as useful tools

  3. Hight taxes and strict gun laws is why I will leave and take my money with me.

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