Francis Fund donating to Planned Parenthood-affiliated charity?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

This one is hard to wrap your mind around, Save Jerseyans.

The obvious takeaway will be “is there anyone, or anything, left that’s worthy of our trust?”

Background: “Six Camden-based charities will receive funds through the Francis Fund, a short-term fund in honor of the papal visit” ahead of Pope Francis’s much-celebrated World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia this fall. It’s apparently a project of the event’s affiliated Hunger and Homelessness Committee; Sister Mary Scullion, a Sister of Mercy, chairs the committee, and Archbishop Charles J. Chaput provides a welcome message on the site.

New Jersey political watchers’ first warning should’ve been that Camden’s Dana Redd is also on the committee

The Fund’s official page describes its mission as follows: “The Francis Fund represents a variety of faith and non-denominational organizations serving the region’s most vulnerable men, women, and children.”

Did you catch that last part? About vulnerable women and children?

One of the six aforementioned recipient charities of the papal largess will be the Center for Family Services (CFS).

And guess who is one of their “partners and providers” listed on the site?

planned parenthood partner page

That’s right… the multi-billion dollar abortion provider outed for wholesaling late-term aborted children’s body parts.

And it gets better.

Back in 2013, CFS “was one of 100 groups announced as a Navigator Grant awardee by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to receive funds to help people enroll in the new health insurance marketplace beginning October 1, 2013.”

CFS got $677,797 for their efforts to push Obamacare (Planned Parenthood got money, too), a law which it’s well-established funds American abortions. Archbishop Chaput has been a vocal detractor of Obamacare for this reason among others.

I don’t know who screwed up with the vetting here, or how they say they’re using the money, or the extent to which Francis’s Vatican and Chaput’s Archdiocese exercise actual control over this fund, Save Jerseyans, but if the Catholic Church wants to be spared yet another embarrassment at a time when many of us are questioning what this Pope stands for, then someone needs to intervene here.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8734 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. This is a direct violation of church law, as clarified by Pope Benedict on November 11, 2012 in his mouth proprio, ” In The Service Of Charity.”

    A polite letter to Abp. Chapultepec with this reference should be all that’s necessary… And this is one prelate who reads his mail.j

  2. I just want to ask Matt Rooney: have you researched properly what you are sharing? Have you approached the Diocese where this Francis Fund was established? Did you ask people from the Clergy or are these only assumptions of yours? The fact that the fund has the name of Francis means nothing. I do not know how serious of a writer you are, I do not see any references where we could verify your claims. A serious writer provides proof, references, cites the people he or she spoke to. You see, anyone can write a blog filled with ones own imagination, bias, lack of seriousness, however, very few write in all seriousness, provide references, and proof of the investigations. CAREFUL WITH THE CLOWNS out there that are perpetrators, liars, and like to deceive people.

  3. I’m sorry, this has nothing to do with the Pope except for the fact that it’s called the “Francis Fund.” I think that the Hunger and Homelessness committee should be made aware of where some of that money is going to and let’s hope that was an oversight.

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