Auth urges N.J. congressional delegation to oppose Iran deal with new resolution

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

auth_colorOne New Jersey Republican legislator is trying to apply pressure to his state’s congressional delegation ahead of a September vote on the notoriously weak Iran deal, Save Jerseyans.

“This agreement enables Iran to become far more dangerous with nuclear weapons in as little as 15 years,” explained Asm. Bob Auth (R-39) who is introducing a resolution in the state’s lower chamber. “If approved, the Middle East will become more unstable and introduce new threats to the United States and Israel.”

“President Obama wants the American people to trust a country that sponsors terrorism and whose sworn objective is to destroy Israel,” continued Auth. “This bill urges New Jersey’s delegation to reject this skewed and uneven commitment.”

A recent Quinnipiac poll found 57% of Americans opposing the deal, and leading New Jersey Dems including Donald Norcross (D-1) and Bob Menendez have already announced their opposition. Cory Booker (D-Twitter) is still straddling the fence which should surprise no one.

The text of the resolution is below the fold…

AN ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION calling on the members of the New Jersey Congressional delegation to reject the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran.

WHEREAS, Iran and a group of six nations led by the United States have reached a dangerously flawed agreement to limit Tehran’s nuclear manufacturing capacity in return for lifting international oil and financial sanctions against Iran; and
WHEREAS, Although the agreement was greeted with cheers in Tehran, the proposed agreement will empower and embolden Iran and do nothing to limit its ability to build nuclear weapons; and
WHEREAS, While the original starting point for the negotiations was to keep Iran from ever getting nuclear weapons, the final agreement will allow such weapon to be developed soon after the agreement sunsets in approximately 10 years; and
WHEREAS, Under the agreement, the existing arms embargo will be removed within five years, giving Iran access to conventional arms to further fuel global terrorism and their goal of regional dominance, and the existing missile ban will be removed within eight years, allowing Iran to acquire missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads; and
WHEREAS, Relief from the existing international sanctions is not tied to Iran’s compliance with the nuclear agreement, so that before demonstrating that the agreement is being complied with Iran gets massive amounts of money to exacerbate sectarian violence and support terrorists groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis in Yemen; and
WHEREAS, The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the body that will be checking that Iran complies with the agreement, is required to give a 24-day notice prior to the arrival of its inspections teams, a period that will give Iran plenty of time to conceal or relocate most of its banned nuclear-related activities; and
WHEREAS, Iran is not required by the proposed agreement to report on its past nuclear activity, but it can deny inspectors access to nuclear and military sites and hand-pick the IAEA inspection and verification teams that the international community will rely on to insure Iranian compliance and to uncover deception; and
WHEREAS, Under the agreement, Iran will be allowed to conduct the advanced nuclear research and development that will lead to the use of advanced centrifuges able to enrich large amounts of Uranium quickly, thereby shortening the time Iran needs to “breakout” i.e., produce a nuclear device; and
WHEREAS, The proposed agreement removes internationally-imposed sanctions on Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, leader of the elite Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, a internationally-know terrorist who is directly responsible for the deaths of at least 500 United States military troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan; and
WHEREAS, At the same time, the agreement lifts international sanctions on several renegade Iranian scientists who contributed to Iran’s nuclear program, promoted nuclear proliferation, and helped smuggle banned nuclear components into Iran; and
WHEREAS, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has rightly denounced the agreement, calling it an “historic mistake” that would create a “terrorist nuclear superpower” and gives Iran “hundreds of billions of dollars to fuel their terror and military regime” so that it can seriously threaten Israel’s continuing existence; and
WHEREAS, Other critics of the proposed agreement, including the leaders of several Arab states, agree with Netanyahu and believe that Iran will use some of the billions of dollars it will receive after international sanctions are lifted to strengthen its conventional military power and arm international terrorist organizations in the Middle East seeking to destabilize the region; and
WHEREAS, The leaders of Saudi Arabia have denounced the proposed agreement, noting that it is far worse than the nuclear deal former President Bill Clinton negotiated with North Korea before he left office; and
WHEREAS, In the United States, a recent poll on the issue conducted by a major news media outlet demonstrates that the American public demands that Congress reject the proposed agreement by a 52 percent to 44 percent majority; and
WHEREAS, In Washington, respected leaders in both major political parties have expressed justifiable hostility toward the proposed agreement, noting Iran’s unwavering anti-American policy, its repeated history of vowing to destroy Israel, and its history of blatantly failing to comply with past nuclear agreements; and
WHEREAS, Some members of Congress have expressed legitimate concerns about what will happen after the limits in the proposed agreement expire in a decade and Iran is able to produce as much nuclear fuel as it wishes and conduct unlimited nuclear research using advanced technology; and
WHEREAS, Other members of Congress believe that the proposed agreement limits the ability of the United States to respond militarily to Iran if it adopts an aggressive posture toward its neighbors, especially Israel, or cheats on the proposed agreement; and
WHEREAS, Given the strong opposition of many world and national leaders, it is up to Congress to stop the proposed agreement from taking effect by voting against its ratification; and
WHEREAS, It is, therefore, fitting and proper for this House to call on the members of the New Jersey Congressional delegation to reject the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran; now, therefore,

BE IT RESOLVED by the General Assembly of the State of New Jersey:

1. This House calls on the members of the New Jersey Congressional delegation to reject the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran.

2. Copies of this resolution, as filed with the Secretary of State, shall be transmitted by the Clerk of the General Assembly to each member of the New Jersey Congressional delegation.


This Assembly resolution calls on the members of the New Jersey Congressional delegation to reject the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran.

Calls on members of New Jersey Congressional delegation to reject proposed nuclear agreement with Iran.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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