POLL: Only 9% of N.J. Republicans support Christie for President

Governor Christie appears remotely at the February 2015 ARV event in Atlantic City.

By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

Governor Christie appears remotely at the February 2015 ARV event in Atlantic City.
Governor Christie appears remotely at the February 2015 ARV event in Atlantic City.

The signs of a soured relationships between New Jersey Republicans and their Governor are readily apparent, Save Jerseyans, but new polling results provide numbers to back up the anecdotal evidence which some say includes this month’s historic NJ GOP legislative losses.

According to FDU, only 9% of New Jersey Republicans support Chris Christie’s presidential bid. That’s down from 18% back in June 2015 right around the time of his launch, a negative trend that stand in stark contrast to the Governor’s recent modest albeit measurable polling gains in the battleground of New Hampshire.

“Our polling consistently shows that Republicans in the Garden State like straight talkers. But Governor Christie’s blunt approach is clearly facing unexpected competition from Donald Trump. And, to the extent that Christie was considered strong among the so-called ‘establishment’ candidates, he now has the rising appeal of Rubio to contend with. The people back home are not supporting their governor as much as he might have expected,” opined Krista Jenkins, the director of Fairleigh Dickinson PublicMind and professor of political science.

Only 51% of those same Republicans approve of his job performance.

You can view the full polling report HERE.


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  1. His actions speak louder than his words. He just has not realized that yet. And boy is that list long. He speaks Conservative but his actions on Conservative issues are far left of what Republicans believe in. All talk and plenty of excuses.

  2. Didn’t think much of him when he first called me in December 2008. Asked him position questions and he didn’t have them. Ideologically is nothing and find him to a piss poor administrator/executive. He is big mouth boor and a phoney tough.

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