By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog
Governor Chris Christie‘s presidential campaign continued to throw the kitchen sink at Marco Rubio on Thursday afternoon, Save Jerseyans, even as new polling out of New Hampshire suggested that the New Jerseyan’s comeback efforts had stalled.
A late-breaking CNN poll shows Christie dropping to 4% with Marco Rubio helping erode his support.
Unsurprisingly, then, the latest salvo took the form of a new ad capitalizing on the botched Rubio endorsement of Rick Santorum:
JOE SCARBOROUGH: What do you list as Marco Rubio’s top accomplishment that made you decide to endorse him?
RICK SANTORUM: There’s is a guy who’s been able to number one win a tough election in Florida.
SCARBOROUGH: Can you name his top accomplishment?
SANTORUM: My feeling on Marco is someone who has tremendous potential, tremendous gifts. I guess it’s hard to say there are accomplishments.
SCARBOROUGH: Name one thing he’s passed?
SANTORUM: The Republicans have been in the majority for one year and one month, of which, as you know, he was running for president primarily.
SCARBOROUGH: Just one, that Marco achieved. Maybe a bill that he wrote.
BRZEZINSKI: Jeb bush ran Florida, Donald Trump built a company. Marco Rubio — finish the sentence.
SANTORUM: Can’t point to him and say “Nothing got done therefore he has no accomplishments.” This is a bogus argument.
SCARBOROUGH: All I’m asking is a simple question. List one accomplishment that Marco Rubio has achieved in four years of the United States Senate?
SANTORUM: The bottom line is – there isn’t a whole lot of accomplishments, Joe. And I just don’t think it’s a fair question.
A good debate question for Rubio, but I seriously doubt it would be asked, especially by FOX. I cannot stand Christie but he has a very good point. If you want the job show us your resume.
I tell my college students all the time that whenever they meet with anyone (interview, sales call, sponsorship proposal meeting, etc.) to do their homework and prepare so that they can answer ANY question thrown their way. Santorum couldn’t even answer a basic question about Rubio. LOL
BTW, I have lived in NJ my whole life and I can’t tell you what Christie has accomplished, either.
A friend just posted this:
Handsome, smooth talking, minority politician.
Hand picked by power brokers to be groomed to be President.
Repeats what he has been told to say as well as anyone.
First term Senator with a terrible voting attendance record.
Media darling.
This describes two people perfectly.
I dislike Rubio.
What had Christie accomplished. 2 of his aides have been indicted; he tried to get out of making pension contributions; 9 credit down grades; and he is also under investigation.
I have said that one candidate’s campaign may be decided right about SC. I am beginning to rethink that projection.
We need to cut these losers out and concentrate on supporting a viable GOP candidate. At this point, who cares what Christie or Santorum have to say?
Christie has the same line running for President as he did running for NJ Governor and I fell for it, At that time my husband was the Mercer Country Republican Chairman my God don’t listen to him he is a fraud.
Christie should just concentrate on packing his bags and dropping out of the race, even his own State doesn’t want him anymore. Maybe he can get the job of Dogcatcher in Mew Hampshire!
11th Commandment anyone? Curious what Christie lists as his accomplishments. He gets up there in debates and says he is a governor, so that makes him qualified over a Senator. But what did he achieve as Governor?
Christie should pull out he’s done.
Christie is done. Go home and hide in Trenton. It’s crazy how the candidates are bashing the members of their own party.
On a positive note, the governor doing much better in the Nathan’s hot dog eating contest preliminary poll