Rubio cites Chesimard in Cuba-related debate exchange with Trump

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Joanne Chesimard – the Black Liberation Army scumbag still hiding out in Cuba after murdering State Trooper Werner Foerster on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973 – was one of many unaddressed grievances when the Obama Administration decided to open Cuba despite calls from New Jersey’s federal representatives on both sides of the aisle.

At least one presidential candidate still gives a damn, Save Jerseyans.

Describing his notion of a ‘good’ deal with Cuba during Thursday’s Miami debate, Florida Senator Marco Rubio explained it would be one that “takes all of those fugitives of America justice, including that cop killer from New Jersey, and sends her back to the United States and to jail where she belongs.” He gets it.

Donald Trump was predictably less committal to any specifics.

“After 50 years, it’s enough time, folks,” Trump countered, defending the President’s decision to renew formal relations with the failed Communist state. “But we have to make a good deal.”

Whatever that means is known only to him.



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. You dont know if she’s alive or dead. You don’t even know if she’s still in Cuba. Your way hasn’t worked, opening up Cuba will. As long as Cuba is closed, she knows she’s safe, if she’s there and alive.

  2. Rubio is a phony. He only used her name because it’s a thorn of contention in NJ and he’s against any treaties with Cuba. I can’t wait to see DONALD clean the floor with Rubio when Donald wins Florida.

  3. I would like to see her in prison as much as anyone else. But let’s be real, maintaining the status quo of the past 50 plus, almost 60 years was getting us and the good people of Cuba absolutely no where… The people who suffered the most were the poor people of Cuba, not Castro and the elite, and it didn’t get this murderor back here.

  4. Robert Rosetta…..Call Donald Trump…he’ll send you a truckload of tissues so you can go to your room and cry. You voted for the community organizer twice who has this country one flush from going down the toilet.

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  1. Questions about Assata Shakur's fate arise as President Obama visits Cuba -
  2. Garrett: Obama’s Chesimard silence “truly upsetting” | The Save Jersey Blog

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