Union County GOP gets behind John Kasich, endorses Lance

By The Staff | The Save Jersey Blog

union countyAt least one New Jersey Republican county organization is bucking the trend this cycle, Save Jerseyans.

The Union GOP gathered for its nominating convention on Wednesday night and Ohio Governor John Kasich defeated Donald Trump on the second ballot.

Trump already has the backing of the Atlantic, Bergen, Middlesex, and Passaic organizations as well as the Christie clique but Kasich inherited much of the former Rubio and Bush support based in the Garden State and, perhaps as a direct result, he’s consistently finished second behind the reality star in county committee votes thus far this season.

Meanwhile, down-ballot, incumbent Congressman Leonard Lance (129) easily defeated repeat challenger David Larsen (24) and Craig Heard (15) in the race for the 5th Congressional District nomination.

Lance can sweep the county convention circuit with a win in Hunterdon on Thursday evening.

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