Kasich boosters raise $160k, talk convention fight at Whitman-hosted fundraiser

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

If the last round of polling was any indication, Save Jerseyans, somewhere around half of the Garden State GOP’s population is supporting someone other than Donald Trump in the upcoming critical June 7th primary election.

Regular readers know that I count myself among them. 

Approximately 100 of my fellow dissenters gathered at the Whitehouse Station home of former Governor Christine Todd Whitman on Friday night to welcome Ohio Governor John Kasich.

Kasich (L) poses with Caldwell Councilman John Cascarano (R) (via Facebook)

The event held primarily in the New Jersey Republican’s finished rustic barn reportedly raked in $160k for Kasich’s war chest; it was co-hosted by several well-known N.J. GOP establishment figures including Governor Christie’s former state treasurer, Andrew P. Sidamon-Eristoff, along with Dick Zimmer, Scott Sipprelle, Asm. Jack Ciattarelli, State Senator Jennifer Beck, Candy Straight, Lawrence Bathgate, Gail Gordon and Brian Nelson.

Also in attendance? Congressman Tom MacArthur (R, NJ-03) who hasn’t formally endorsed a new candidate after Governor Christie left the race and John Traier… Passaic GOP chairman and a Trump delegate (see photo to the right).

New Jersey’s 51 delegate could prove decisive in the months to come. Kasich forces in New Jersey survived a Cruz Camp delegate signature battle in court earlier in the week and hope to compete for New Jersey’s delegates regardless of whether the Governor falls flat in neighboring New York and Pennsylvania. 

One of Kasich’s delegate hopefuls who was also in attendance last night, Caldwell Councilman John Cascarano, told me that the assembled supporters sincerely like their guy’s odds and the bullish strategy of his top politico, John Weaver. And he and his fellow supporters are prepared to go all the way to Cleveland if need be.

“The mood was optimistic,” John related to me the morning after. “Immediately afterwards my friend and fellow District 11 delegate Tom Basta told me that he now felt more motivated than ever to work and win a spot at the convention. I felt the same way. I am happy and honored to be part of this delegate slate, and fighting for a cause I believe in. I plan on campaigning and doing everything I can to make Governor Kasich and his slate of delegates victorious on June 7th.”

“It is abundantly clear to me now that this race is going to go to the convention, so it seems the Ohio Governor had it right all along,” John continued. “One poignant (and true) line that was stated last night… at this point, there are two people who can be elected president: John Kasich or Hillary Clinton. Which would you choose?”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Leave it to NJ’s own scaled down version of the GOPe to back the losingest loser in the history of losers. Maybe back the guy who isn’t Trump and has an actual chance, not the one relying on Underpants Gnome logic.

  2. Trump sounds like Bernie Sanders and Al Sharpton. The only difference between him and Sanders is that while Sanders blames big corporations, Trump blames Mexico, China and unfair trade deals. GIven that our GDP per person is 5 times the Chinese GDP per person and 6 times the Mexican GDP per person, maybe those agreements aren;’t so biased in favor of China and Mexico. While Sharpton blames all of society’s problems on “Whitey”, Trump blames our problems on Mexican and Central American immigrants. Trump thinks the world will sympathize with the United States rather than Mexico if we make Mexico pay and build for the wall. He is nuts. All of Latin America will support Mexico if anyone would be crazy enough to try this. Probably most of Europe would support Mexico especially since Trump would like to kick out a lot of European illegal immigrants as well. Considering how destructive Trump might be if elected, I don’t see anything wrong with battling him to the last delegate.

  3. As opposed to, say, the local sanitarium…or halfway house? When suppertime comes and you need to specify your favorite vegetable, tell the server at the commissary that you definitely can envision “whirled peas.”

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