Boorish Booker ready to blame everyone but the murderers and their apologists

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

He’s running for Vice President, Save Jerseyans. We get it. So when he says objectively crazy things like comparing Hillary Clinton to George Washington, reasonable people know to take it all down with a grain of salt.

Booker’s gun violence-related commentary is a little bit harder to take.

Booker-looking-upHis dismal Newark crime record makes it ridiculous enough that he’d dare to lecture anyone on how to address gun violence.

Then there’s his refusal to accept that murderers — are you ready for this? — might be primarily responsible for their murders!

“A 500 percent increase in incarceration in our country [is] disproportionately affecting the poor and disproportionately affecting minorities,” Booker opined during an interview on Sunday’s edition of Meet The Press when asked about last week’s shootings in Louisiana, Minnesota and Dallas. “African-Americans have no difference than whites in using drugs or dealing drugs, but are about 3.7 times more likely to be arrested.”

“We need to invest in our local departments and do a lot of the things that some progressive departments are doing that are de-escalating situations, lowering police-involved shootings, and addressing the implicit racial bias that exists in this country,” Booker continued, assigned blame to the police.

Who else deserves blame in Booker’s mind?

Donald Trump, of course.

“This is a time when we need courageous empathy, when we need undeterred love,” the junior senator added. “So when I hear a presidential candidate like Donald Trump gratuitously demeaning women, demeaning Muslims, demeaning Latinos, at a time where our country needs reconciliation, we need people that bind our wounds and build bridges across our chasms.”

Okay. So Cory Booker believes (or wants to run on the proposition) that the War on Drugs, America’s police and Donald Trump share the blame for violence.

dallas police shootingWhat. About. The Murders?

And what about the protesters who attacked police headquarters over the weekend instead of interfacing with those officers to take on the drug dealers in their troubled neighborhoods? “I have no desire to work with or for the police,” said April Goggans, founder of Black Lives Matter DC, in an interview with ABC’s D.C. affiliate. Sound like someone who MAYBE is part of the problem, too?

What about the irresponsible liberal politicians who’ve encouraged the perception that the police are the enemy?

Ronald Reagan once famously advised Americans to “reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”

It’s sound advice for Americans thirty years later when, under the leadership of weaklings like Booker and President Obama, crime rates are rising for the first time in two decades. Yes, criminal justice reform is a piece of the puzzle.

Cultural rot engendered by failed liberal policies is another that Senator Booker and his allies are less interested in discussing.

It’s all sound advice for politicians who haven’t accomplished much who want to serve in the highest offices in our land.

I won’t hold my breath waiting for a self-interested pol like Cory Booker to take it to heart.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.