VIDEO: Furious Christie says you’re dumb if you disagree with him

Former presidential candidate Chris Christie was in rare. bitter form last night on NJ 101.5’s Ask the Governor program, Save Jerseyans, attempting to win back the hearts and minds of New Jerseyans by calling them… stupid?


Go ahead and listen (if you can stand it):

“I took the slings and arrows from people on this stupid radio station for increasing the gas tax. And I did it because I had to, and by the way, what they refuse to acknowledge is we got more in tax cuts than there were in tax increases,” said Christie who, in recent months, has spent his time (and taxpayers’ money) attempting to rehabilitate his public image by combating the opioid crisis while simultaneously urging union goons to defeat anti-gas tax Republicans at the polls.

“But the dummies on this radio station, and the guests they have don’t want to acknowledge that, because that’s difficult math for them to work with, for the dope you work with in the morning. You’re lucky there’s not an IQ test to have a host on this show,” he added.

Hmmm…. I wonder which “guests” he’s talking about?

In any event, in case you’ve forgotten, the gas tax sell-out was NOT a net cut for most New Jerseyans. That’s simply not true. It’s a lie.

But if the Governor is sincerely worried about ‘difficult math’?

He should focus on his basement-level approval rating and actually do something to make paying for the privilege of living in his New Jersey (which STILL has the nation’s highest property taxes, btw) a little less awful.

We’re not dumb, Mr. Governor. We’re simply paying attention.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.