Man, reportedly illegal, accused of raping 6-year old Trenton, New Jersey girl

A horrific crime was committed in Trenton, New Jersey, Save Jerseyans, and the suspect is reportedly an illegal immigrant.

Edgar Mendoza, age 32 of Guatemala, stands accused of allegedly “molesting the 6-year-old victim in her bed and jumping out the second-floor window after the child’s father found Mendoza in bed with the victim,” the Trentonian reports, in a Trenton, New Jersey home on September 19th at 1:30 a.m.

Edgar Mendoza

Mercer County Prosecutor’ spokeswoman Casey DeBlasio confirmed Mendoza’s illegal status to

Mendoza consented to pre-trial detention, reportedly stating through a translator, “Due to my situation here, the fact that I don’t have my papers and the fact that I am facing those charges, I think I am going to have to be detained.” He’s been charged with both burglary and aggravated sexual assault.

The accusations against Mendoza arise at a time when illegal immigration is once again occupying national and state political debates.

Here in New Jersey, Democrat gubernatorial nominee Phil Murphy recently raised eyebrows during an online Q&A session by refusing to take a hard line against illegals who commit crimes. He has also openly advocated turning New Jersey into a sanctuary state and pledged to create the first-ever in America, state-based “Office of Immigrant Protection.”

I’m not sure what the right point of with the right point of notification is this is, that we’ve got a whole group of folks here who were should have got the boot on their neck and it doesn’t feel right to me it’s unAmerican,” said Murphy when asked by the Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran when, if  ever, he thought it was appropriate to alert federal authorities to an illegal’s presence in New Jersey.

Under President Trump, since May, arrests of illegal immigrants in N.J. are up 20% and deportations by 30%.

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