NJ-02: Parkland’s Hogg tees off on Van Drew

By Matt Rooney

Jeff Van Drew (D, NJ-02) is sprinting to the Left ahead of this year’s 2nd Congressional District Democrat primary, Save Jerseyans, abandoning a feigned but carefully crafted “moderate” persona developed over the course of many years in Trenton.

And when you quite obviously stand for nothing?

People are going to start calling you on your bullshit.

Take for example David Hogg, the obnoxious but articulate Parkland high schooler who became a liberal insta-celebrity for his post-mass shooting gun control advocacy.

This Saturday, Hogg singled out Van Drew via his well-followed Twitter account for a relatively pro-Second Amendment record over the course of his state legislative career:

“Remember both Democrats and Republicans take #NRABloodMoney,” Hogg tweeted out to his nearly 800,000 followers. “Just look up New Jersey state senator @JeffVanDrew, he’s a Democrat with An A rating from the NRA.”

Oh snap! (I think kids still say that?)

Of course, not every liberal — or liberal interest group — is looking as closely at the inconsistencies in Van Drew’s public presentation, or at least they don’t all seem to care.

The national Moms Demand Action group has endorsed Van Drew.

Again, it’s a real tightrope walk for Van Drew. His base (represented by Hogg) is moving hard-left these days, but Van Drew’s sprawling, largely-rural district is loaded with military veterans and sportsmen, and it’s long been represented by a pro-2A Republican.

Best of luck to him. Maintaining a malleable set of principles without consequences is difficult work even under normal conditions!

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.