UPDATE: Murphy reacts to SaveJersey.com story on aide’s bigoted comments by blaming… Trump?

Phil Murphy

CRESSKILL, N.J. — Friday morning’s Save Jersey story on Governor Phil Murphy’s aide (and a prominent far-left activist) caught calling evangelicals “assholes” (among other things) on Facebook is getting a lot of attention and even some mainstream media notice, too.

When confronted about the Save Jersey story by another publication’s reporter at an unrelated Friday press availability?

One of the offensive posts cited in SaveJersey.com’s original story (via Facebook)

The Democrat Governor hedged, professing no prior knowledge of the story or his aide’s posts but nevertheless deciding to definitively assign blame to…

…President Trump?

via Politico-New Jersey’s Ryan Hutchins:

The governor, asked about the posts during an unrelated event on Friday, said it was the first he was hearing of the remarks. While he said such comments are not appropriate, he appeared to blame Trump for creating an environment in which people are fired up.

“Sadly, because of our president, we are a very divided nation right now and we shouldn’t be. So that has informed an enormous amount of emotions on both sides of this,” Murphy said. “But I don’t think there’s any place for name calling and calling out whole categories of people. We can disagree without being disagreeable.”

Pressed about how he would address the issue, he declined to comment further.

“First I’m hearing it, so bear with me,” Murphy said. “When I digest it, we’ll figure out what we’re going to do.”


CLICK HERE to read the original Save Jersey story by our founder/editor Matt Rooney.

The Governor’s personnel problems are piling up; he recently hired another individual (an ex-public official who went to jail after taking bribes), a hire that violated state law. That individual has since resigned, and a probe into the hiring process is being demanded by legislators.


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