Van Drew, Smith vote for labor boss-backed PRO Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Most of the Republicans running for Congress this year (including Tom Kean Jr. and Rosemary Becchi) are vehemently opposed to the “Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act” (HR-2474), federal legislation strongly backed by Big Labor and U.S. union bosses.

New Jersey’s two incumbent Republican congressman – Jeff Van Drew (R-2) and Chris Smith (R-4) – were among the five Republicans who backed the Democrat measure; it passed the House on Friday, 224-194.

Smith, whose district includes union-strong Hamilton, has a long history of backing pro-union legislation.

Van Drew famously switched from the Democrat to Republican Party in December over impeachment.

“The PRO Act would allow unions to penalize workers in the private sector – up to and including losing their jobs – simply for choosing not to join up and pay dues,” New Jersey-AFP director Tony Howley explained back in September. “It also would make it much easier to coerce workers into joining by eliminating the use of secret-ballot elections when employees are deciding on whether to organize their workplaces.”

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