Pro-Hamas protests come to Rutgers University

On Monday, tents sprung up on the campus of Rutgers-New Brunswick and students affiliated by a group called “Justice in Palestine” marched down College Avenue. The university protests in favor of Hamas (and against Israel) which appear to be sweeping the nation have come to Rutgers, Save Jerseyans.

Will the Rutgers administration act?

Of course not!

“Our students want to make a difference in a struggle that has cost far too many innocent lives and that threatens so many more,” RU President Jonathan Holloway said in a statement. “I respect their right to protest in ways that do not interfere with university operations or with the ability of their fellow students to learn.” Yet it was unclear as of Monday afternoon how university operations could remain unaffected since the demonstrators were grouped near major classroom facilities.

Meanwhile, police in Texas tangled directly with students while Columbia University reportedly (and finally) began handing down suspensions to those violating university policies.

A handful of legislators criticized not just the pro-Hamas student movement but also the taxpayer-subsidized administration.

“In 2014, graduates of @RutgersU lost out of the opportunity to have former Secretary of State @CondoleezzaRice speak at their graduation because some students claimed to be offended because she stood for spreading fear and hate in this world,” Assemblywoman Victoria Flynn (R-13) posted on X. “Today, students @RutgersU are fearful of attending class because their campus has been allowed by to be overrun by protesters who INTEND to spread fear and hate. This is unacceptable, @RutgersU . Yes, free speech should we welcomed but not so to interfere with the rights of others to obtain an education. How’s the saying go … your rights end when they start to interfere with the rights of others?”

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.