Uh-Oh for Buono

Latest Q-Poll Shows Democrat Challenger Gaining No Ground Heading Into Summer Season; Voters Also Don’t Care About Her Pet Issues

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Buono on MSNBCSave Jerseyans will begin focusing on vacations, barbecues, beach trips and assorted other summer activities in a few short weeks. That’s not the ideal time for a political unknown to start building a following.

Barbara Buono doesn’t have a choice but to try.

A new Quinnipiac p0ll out this morning shows the career Trenton politician trailing Chris Christie 58% to 26% in New Jersey’s 2013 gubernatorial contest. That massive 32-point gap remains virtually unchanged from the Q’s last survey.

Two other very interesting findings…

(1) Still unknown to virtually all: the Q pollsters found that, when asked about Buono specifically, “78 percent don’t know enough to form an opinion, compared to 79 percent last month.” Ouch squared.

(2) Insult to injury: when asked about the issues, respondents rated government spending, property taxes, schools and Sandy recovery at the top of their list; conversely, only a minority of voters questioned cared very much at all about the millionaire’s tax, the minimum wage and same-sex marriage… issues which Democrats were banking on to drive turnout (because at least one of which will be a ballot question this fall).

Click here to view the full results, then click here to see how Barbara Buono likely reacted to this new poll…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Word of advice for Senator Buono: When you're a candidate for Governor and you go on NJTV and you are asked a question on the recent terrorists attacks and the thwarted attacks in Canada and your answer is going after the Governor's stance on gun violence and saying we need backgrounds checks shows me and all who were watching that you are an uninformed buffoon. FYI: N.J. already has background ch…ecks plus more gun laws than 99% of America and in fact New Jersey has an GRADE A rating from the Brady Campaign. 1) Answer the question you were asked. 2) Learn the N.J. gun laws before opening your mouth. 3) Stop using the tragedy of deceased children to push the liberal anti 2nd Amendment agenda. 4) Remove foot from mouth and count your toes. 5) If any toes are missing please see a Podiatrist for treatment. 6) Thank you for reminding me (an Independent) and many Democratic Gun Owners/Hunters and Police Officers who not to vote for.

  2. It's also too bad Mark that she couldn't explain how that "Attack" was another entrapment case of give someone a bomb, tell them what to do with it, and then arrest them. Another foiled FBI created plot.

  3. Since the Christie is governing just like a Democrat, I guess that means he's running against himself.

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