Welcome to Newark, Kids!

Cory Booker

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Cory BookerThis story really tickled my funny bone, Save Jerseyans.

Yesterday, NJ.com obtained an email reportedly originated from disillusioned Booker for Senate staffers; many are Organizing for America (OFA) veterans and they are less-than-satisfied with Cory Booker’s campaign’s lack of direction, organization, and allegedly broken promises to help them find housing in the vicinity of the Newark headquarters.

Welcome to Newark, kids! What did you expect? Look at your candidate’s record. That might’ve been your first clue how things were going to go…

We’ve made it a point here at Save Jersey to highlight the millions of ways in which Cory Booker has disappointed the entire city of Newark. He’s much more interested in hangin’ with Oprah, attending out-of-state cocktail parties, tweeting nonsense, rescuing kittens and doing pretty much anything (including running for U.S. Senate) that doesn’t even tangentially concern his actual day job: running New Jersey’s most populous city.

The end result? Chaos! And despite the fact that Lord Littlefinger is my new favorite political philosopher, fellow GOT fans, chaos hasn’t proved to be much a ladder in the Brick City for anyone save perhaps Mayor Booker. Soaring unemployment, rampant crime, and hideously embarrassing breakdowns in order such as what we witnessed during the infamous November 20, 2012 council meeting brawl.

Campaigns are reflections of their candidates. Cory Booker is going to win big in August simply because (1) the party bosses love his pliable nature and (2) his opponents are as thoroughly uninspiring as he is substantively vapid.

My advice to Cory Booker’s disillusioned staffers: find a campaign for a real leader, not a hapless tweeter, and you might have a better experience. And do a little more research next time before signing up! Our Cory Booker Archives could’ve spared you a lot of grief.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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