#NJGov Polling Avg: Christie +25

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Chris Christie pointingWe’ve had two new public polls released since our last #njgov race polling average, but not much has changed all the same.

A Quinnipiac University survey released yesterday showed Governor Chris Christie still leading Barbara Buono (BWOH’-noh) by a wide margin (29-points) but by less than his 34-point spread from their mid-September poll.

That relatively minor fluctuation is offset by a new Monmouth poll out today reporting a 24-point Christie lead, up from 19-points at the end of September.

The end result? The incumbent is holding strong but steady in our Save Jersey public polling average at +25

Monmouth University (NEW) – Christie +24

Quinnipiac University (NEW) – Christie +29

Rasmussen Reports – Christie +21

Fairleigh Dickinson – Christie +33

Monmouth University – Christie +19

Kean University – Christie +18

Quinnipiac University – Christie +34

Stockton University – Christie +28

Rutgers-Eagleton – Christie +20

Throughout what has been a monotonously static race, the most interesting story line has been Governor Chris Christie’s strong performance with Hispanic voters. It could be the big story of 2013 and likely a leDedicated coalition-building and a weak Democrat candidate from the burbs is part of that story, but the Governor is also apparently reversing course on his prior opposition to the New Jersey DREAM Act, a surprise move which is almost certainly calculated to run up the score.

“We are looking at a potential 20 point margin in a blue state and an outright win among Hispanic voters,” concluded Patrick Murray, whose latest poll puts Christie ahead of Buono among Hispanics 50% to 44%. “What more could a 2016 GOP presidential contender ask for?

Not much. What more could taxpayers ask for? A candidate as talented and articulate as our Governor who is willing to argue against bad ideas like the DREAM Act even if it costs’em a few points at the polls. Guessing I’ll save that item for my Christmas list? Goodness gracious…

In any event, the core dynamics of this race remain the same. Senator Buono still fails to break through the 40% mark in every public poll. Each and every survey included in our current average except for the Rutgers-Eagleton survey was conducted after Governor Christie’s campaign launched a seven-figure statewide TV ad buy.

Only one poll (the Monmouth survey) was conducted after last Tuesday night’s first gubernatorial debate which was reportedly patronized by approximately 550,000 people via television/radio and presumably many more online.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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