Mitt to Host Christie’s B-Day Bash

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Romney and ChristieSo says CNN, Save Jerseyans, via a scoop fed to them by Governor Chris Christie’s inner circle.

The event is planned for September (the Governor’s actual birthday is September 6th). It’s a big fundraising boost for Christie and his national efforts but, more importantly, his team hopes to downplay the prospect of a Christie vs. Romney apocalyptic primary showdown in 2016 amid what looks like a second wind of sorts for the 2012 nominee during a time when the field remains extremely unsettled.

Bad blood? What bad blood? Romney, always the class act, has consistently stood by his New Jersey compatriot throughout the Bridgegate scandal.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. They both suck, both RINO’s Christie is worse however….. I do not want to see either as President…

  2. Well if you want to lose again run either of these establishment GOPers. If the GOP would back a conservative neither of these guys would be considered. Not much difference between moderate Rs and Ds. If you are willing to cave on your principals in order to reach across the aisle and compromise with those whose principals you oppose so vehemently you shouldn’t run.

  3. Neither We need a Non Establishment Candidate. No More John Boehner, John McCain or Karl Rove candidates.

  4. I think Mitt would be better in another appointment. Although I am sure he can be tough when he needs to be in his businesses, he really doesn’t seem tough enough for the main job. I love Trey Gowdy and Dr Carson or Allen West

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