Another Poll Shows Bell Close to Booker (But He Needs Help!)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

jeff bellCory Booker (D-Twitter) has every advantage in the world this cycle, Save Jerseyans, but we now have a fourth consecutive public polling report (this time from Quinnipiac) showing the freshman Dem in trouble, this time leading challenger Jeff Bell trailing by only 10-points, 47% to 37 percent, despite the fact that a full 77% of voters polled don’t feel as if they know enough about Bell to form an opinion.

Click here to see it.

It’s clear what’s happening here; the folks at Q also found that “President Barack Obama gets a negative 44 – 52 percent job approval rating, nearly matching his lowest rating ever in New Jersey, a negative 43 – 52 percent score in an October 13, 2011, Quinnipiac University poll.” Reuters recently discovered a similar result with 37% of New Jerseyans strongly disapproving of our Child President. The President’s polling collapse is horrible news for Dems nationally and politically-fatal news for N.J. Dem House challengers like Aimee Belgard in NJ-03 and Bill Hughes in NJ-02. If this keeps up, districts like NJ-12 could even come into serious play by October.

But Booker’s only in trouble if outside groups show up with $$$. This is your last chance, NRSC/SCF/Tea Party, etc. Get on board now and GROW THE MAP! We’ve got a race in New Jersey without anyone on our side spending a single dime… time to get in the game…

P.S. Check out my interview with Jeff Bell if you haven’t already.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Agreed! We should all come together and support Jeff Bell. Its time NJ had a Republican Senator. People may not know who he is yet. That’s why its import to unite behind him and get his name out there.

  2. how is supporting blanket amnesty and increase in H1-B visas from 65k per year to 300k is going to help Americans keep their jobs and retain their civil liberties?
    As it is known, most immigrants vote D which love to restrict our liberties.

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