Courier Post Backs MacArthur (and Savages Belgard)

Tom MacArthur campaigning in the final hours of Primary Day 2014

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Today’s NJ-03 endorsement from Southwest Jersey’s largest in-state daily newspaper was nothing short of EMBARRASSING for Aimee Belgard, Save Jerseyans.

I’m not exaggerating for Tom’s sake. He doesn’t need my help if you believe the latest polling news. In endorsing Republican Tom MacArthur to succeed the retiring Jon Runyan, the Courier Post editorial board explicitly declared that Belgard, the Democrat, was in its members’ estimation “lacking in leadership skills” (yikes!) despite the fact that “her heart [is] in the right place.” (ouch!)

It got worse, too:

Too often, her recommendations are some variation of building relationships, studying the issues and coming up with solutions in due time. When the Courier-Post Editorial Board pressed her on how she sees her potential role in Congress, she said, “I would be the voice to get people talking.” The current Congress has many shortcomings, but talking is not one of them.

Rough stuff but fair, accurate stuff.

We’ve been saying all along (and again after the Moorestown candidate forum) how Belgard just isn’t up to the task. I suppose it’s one thing to hear a conservative commentator say it, and to watch national Democrat groups desert her, but now she’s even making the regional mainstream media-types nervous with her complete and utter lack of substance! Not ready for prime time; not even close.

The C-P’ers concluded by lauding MacArthur’s highly-detailed, “laser” focused job creation proposals and advising its readers that if they “want more concrete solutions and less talking about talking should elect Tom MacArthur.”

Someone better check on Aimee…

Meanwhile, in other news, the Courier Post also endorsed Donald Norcross in NJ-01 on Sunday,  accusing former Philadelphia Eagle and Republican nominee Garry Cobb’s campaign of having “ignored repeated requests to meet with the Courier-Post editorial board until after a deadline,” a claim which Cobb previously told Save Jersey he unequivocally disputes.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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