‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ in America (No Matter What Obama/Holder/De Blasio Tell You)

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Our liberal readership (yes, they’re out there) was positively apoplectic back in November when I explained, in painstaking detail, how President Obama bore some significant responsibility the violence plaguing Ferguson, Missouri

Now Rudy Giuliani is the saying essentially the same thing, this time in reference to New York City’s shame (Bill de Blasio) after the mayor slandered NYPD officers (telling his mixed-race son to be careful around the police) only days before two officers were assassinated in cold blood:


“The politicians with this propaganda, separating the community from the police, are doing something that’s shameful,” opined the former mayor on Fox News over the weekend. “And they have to stop doing that.”

“If you really want to save black lives, then you start talking about the underlying problems and how we solve it,” he added. “You don’t blame it on the police.” 

EXACTLY, Rudy! 100% spot on.

But when American voters elect arrogant, ignorant, European-style socialists to high office, Save Jerseyans, we can’t be surprised when things get bad. Quickly. Facts don’t matter. They’re radical idealogues. They believe in a flawed America – full of racists, injustice, inequality, and evil rich white guys like Mitt Romney who want to steal everyone’s retirement accounts – and no evidence to the contrary, however overwhelming, will sway them.

Remember when we had a Democrat president, for all his many faults, who said, “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America”?

Bill de Blasio is setting the Big Apple back by 40-years in record time. Overnight! And all because he has such a negative view of his fellow man that he’s actively fostering disrespect for the very people who work to keep the rest of us safe and protect our rights from the real bad guys. Worse still, being the pessimist that he is, de Blasio instinctively concludes that only large, obtrusive, in-your-face liberal governance can save the world from itself.

Here’s the America that I’ve come to know in my lifetime as depicted by one of my favorite movies:

Gets me every single time!

“But com’on, Matt! It’s a movie. Propagandized Romanticism from Hollywood’s golden age.”

Counterpoint: I’d submit it’s a lot closer to our common reality than anything going on in Bill de Blasio’s head.

In the off chance that you’ve never seen it, It’s A Wonderful Life is a Christmas story but it’s also fundamentally an American story: a hard-working and morally decent pillar of the community from a humble background, played by Jimmy Stewart, who helps his neighbors, themselves reflective of the American melting pot, strive for the American Dream and then, when bad luck befalls him, they rally to his cause.

Who hasn’t encountered someone like Christmas 2014’s layaway angel? They’re much more numerous than honest politicians who refuse to acknowledge that their policies are one million-times more dangerous than the least scrupulous cop walking his or her beat.

Bill de Blasio and Barack Obama still think my America is all one big sentimental fiction. You and I know better! Again, because we’re not living in a warped liberal fantasy world.

The truth this Christmas: it’s a wonderful life if you’re lucky enough to be born in this country! Ironically, however, the biggest threats to freedom, equality and prosperity in America are liberals like de Blasio and Obama who deny those entitlements to the very people whom they pretend to represent. No one will be safe – police and civilians alike – until guys who think like de Blasio and Obama are voted safely out-of-office.

Something to aspire to before next Christmas?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. I saw a bit of red when I read DeBlasio’s comment about “overheated, irresponsible rhetoric” when the NYPD called him out. Guess he forgot what he said before. I have to say, Obama (stand firm), Holder, DeBlasio and Sharpton ARE responsible for this. And the blood of these men is on their hands.

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