Christie in Moorestown: “I don’t wanna leave this job unfinished”

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Reminding a packed-house audience at the Moorestown Community Center that “we can’t leave it to someone else,” Governor Chris Christie delivered an impassioned plea for his pension reform road map in Burlington County on Wednesday afternoon just 24 hours before he once again steps into the national limelight with a curtain call at CPAC 2015:


Governor Christie: This is the pivotal moment to keep you here. Because we’ve dealt with all these other problems, this is it now. This is game time, everybody. And I put the ball on the tee. And I’m willing to take the heat for it. And there’s going to be heat to be taken for it from people and I’m willing to do it cause guess what? I’m never running for anything here again. It doesn’t matter. That was just someone from excitement back there, falling over. “Thank God he’s never going to be on the ballot again. Thank God.” But it gives me a certain amount of freedom. If you’re not worried about the next election then none of that has to crawl into your calculus at all. So I’m ready and willing to do this like we did in 2011, we took the first steps that got us into a better position than we would have been otherwise, and now I’m ready to take the last ones. And I’m ready to take the criticism from where it will come for doing it. But I don’t want to leave this job unfinished because I want you to stay here.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. As a Taxpayer I love the “Road Map” as a very good start to serious reform. Unfortunately, I don’t see any possible chance that the Union(s) in question cooperate. Therefore…the can continues to be kicked down the road. Best of Luck Governor!

  2. A strategy such as a roadmap has the potential to deliver results due to developing trust and attaining smaller milestones that lead to a breakthrough result. Worth a try IMO.

  3. If he was smart he would get rid of common core and the PARCC test for the union and in return get them to cut their benefits. It would be a win all around. The opt out movement is not a partisan issue, it is comprised of parents ,teachers, students, and taxpayers of all affiliations. The teachers union is also against this top down corporate takeover of education. But being the crony capitalist progressive that he is, I do not see that happening.

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  1. Christie in Somerville: “Get the Politics Out of the Pension System” | The Save Jersey Blog

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