By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Updated 7:06 3/6/15

Menendez presser in Newark:

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Updated 4:02 p.m. 3/6/15

Bob Menendez

About time, right???

FYI – the story from is here

“People briefed on the case say Attorney General Eric Holder has signed off on prosecutors’ request to proceed with charges,” CNN first reported on Friday afternoon. “An announcement could come within weeks. Prosecutors are under pressure in part because of the statute of limitation on some of the allegations.”

“Hudson Bob” has been scrutinized for one alleged ethical breach or another since he assumed his Senate seat almost one decade ago. Most recently, last week, a federal judge ruled that Sen. Menendez’s aides may have to testify before a grand jury concerning a federal investigation into the activities of the Senator’s friend and donor Salomon Melgen, a Floridian eye doctor.

Rather than remain silent, the Senator’s office is already responding by issuing the following statement via communications director Tricia Enright:

“As we have said before, we believe all of the Senator’s actions have been appropriate and lawful and the facts will ultimately confirm that. Any actions taken by Senator Menendez or his office have been to appropriately address public policy issues and not for any other reason.”

What else are they going to say? But the truly sad part of this story (besides another black mark on our state’s public image) is what it says about the Obama Administration for selectively prosecuting Americans to silence political critics. The fact that it’s even a serious question here is injurious to the justice system.

Is Menendez guilty of something?? I wouldn’t bet against it given his history.

Is the timing of the decision political? Hard to deny it. Eric Holder doesn’t do much that is NOT political…



Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Timing really makes you wonder if his open support of Netanyahu had anything to do with AG Holder finally pretending to do his job

  2. The power of the People (Recall Menendez) couldn’t stop him, but the DOJ can…..esp. after Bob said that the WH sounds like the mouthpiece for Iran, and NO to Cuba ………………

  3. Obama must have “stuff” on everyone in DC that’s how he gets away with his lawlessness. We no longer have a government of the people by the people it’s the FUHRER rules.

  4. Yup , he was safe until he crossed the commie Islamists Jarrett and Barry…. now , lol, just now, he has been thrown under the NJ Transit bus…………. Wake up all Lib Turd Morons ! The Obama and Jarrett are trying and succeeding in destroying America…

  5. Agree that this needs looking into, but like many others here….the timing is suspect. DO NOT tell the emperor he has no clothes on…..

  6. Ralph, Torch was another corrupt democrat. Lautenburg before him and NJ was again disgraced by democrat senator Harrison Williams who was convicted in the Abscam debacle. It’s a proud history.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Estefanía Isaías, Bob Menendez, and the campaign cash scheme that could topple Hillary Clinton | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. If history is any guide, Menendez will be around for awhile | The Save Jersey Blog

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