Pre-indictment, is Menendez planning final FU to BO?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Department of Justice criminal charges against Sen. Bob Menendez (D-Dominican Republic, Ecuador) could come ANY day now, Save Jerseyans, if media sources are to be believed.

Obama and Menendez

Is he preparing a final gesture of defiance before the plunge?

“I’ll decide that when she gets to the floor,” Menendez told POLITICO on Tuesday, referring to the uncertain confirmation of U.S. attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch.

And when we say “uncertain,” we mean CLOSE. So close, in fact, the White House is reportedly preparing for Vice President Joe Biden to cast a rare tie-breaking vote to get Lynch across the finish line.

Menendez has been consistent (and vocal) in opposing key components of the Obama Administration’s foreign policy. A vote against Lynch, however, would signal a rare departure between the White House and New Jersey’s senior senator on a domestic policy issue.

Food for thought: He might be trying to avoid putting himself in an awkward position? More likely, however, Menendez has argued that the DOJ employee(s) who leaked news of his alleged impending indictment broke the law in so doing. He more than likely harbors stronger-than-normal opinions regarding how the department is run in the future… and what happens between now and the scheduled April hearing…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. I never voted for Bob Menendez but this is just a case of Obama sending a message that he won’t tolerate dissent on anything from a “Blue State Democrat.” He really ticked off Obama with his opposition on Cuba. It was the same with the equally pathetic Jimmy Carter and Harrison Williams. Williams and the other Dems were indicted because they chose to back Ted Kennedy. I am not saying he wasn’t guilty. But the motivation for the sting operations was their support of Kennedy. Obama is just copying his fellow lowlife Jimmy Carter.

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