LD24 primary campaign gets personal online

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Morris County proper isn’t the only place where Republicans are ripping each other apart limb-from-limb this primary cycle, Save Jerseyans.

In solidly-red LD24, a battleground which includes one Morris municipality (Mt. Olive), former Green Mayor Marie Bilik and 23-year old Branchville resident Nathan Orr are trying to knock off the party-backed team of incumbent Assemblyman Parker Space and Sussex County Freeholder Gail Phoebus, the latter of whom is the endorsed successor to retiring Assemblywoman Alison Littell McHose.

ld24It was probably inevitable that the Bilik’s backers and the Space/Phoebus camps would start lobbing proverbial grenades; now, however, coming down the final few week stretch of the contest, the campaign leadership is attempting to engage in cyberspace.

Over the weekend, Lou Crescitelli, the 24th District legislators’ chief of staff, tried to pick a fight with Councilwoman Molly Ann Whilesmith (R-Sparta), campaign chair for Bilik, challenging her to a non-candidate debate after the followers for the respective candidates spend the last couple of weeks waging war on Facebook.

“Now obviously you are not a candidate for State Assembly and neither am I, but we are both volunteering for opposing candidates – you for Marie Bilik and myself for Parker Space and Gail Phoebus,” Crescitelli said to Whilesmith in his e-mail copied to a sizable regional media members. “So it is the duty of the candidates to debate each other – the first of such occurred Thursday evening.  However, if you feel so passionately about it, I would gladly take that challenge, volunteer vs. volunteer.”

Whilesmith demurred. “Unfortunately, you are not running and, of the four candidates, I choose to support the one that knows the issues inside and out. That is my right. I believe in the process of a fair and open Primary, not endorsing  anointed ones who donate the most at GOP fundraisers,” the Councilwoman countered. “The Assembly seat is not to be bought,  assigned or given away. It is up to the people to choose who goes to Trenton, not a couple of  politicians.”  

This is what happens when there aren’t any Democrats within an hour of your district, Save Jerseyans. I can’t relate.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I disagree with your last statement, Republicans will fight anywhere, anytime even in the most unwinnable of races. There was a primary to take on Pascrell in 2012 and there was even a primary in LD35 in 2013. The right to garner that 25%!

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. NJBIA PAC sides with Space and Phoebus in LD24 primary battle | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. Down the stretch, NRA endorsement hits LD24 mailboxes | The Save Jersey Blog

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