Wednesday: Hogan to endorse Christie?

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

christie hogan maryland rga
Hogan (center left) and Christie campaign in 2014.

Governor Chris Christie‘s campaign is talking up a “Special Announcement Event” at Annapolis’s Double T Diner in Maryland on Wednesday morning, Save Jerseyans.

Since it’s not a battleground state in the primary (or the general), logic dictates that he may be heading to the state capital for something other than sailing or crab legs; the smart guess would be an endorsement from his friend, Republican Governor Larry Hogan.

The pair reportedly enjoy a close working and personal relationship. As RGA chair, Christie invested significant resources in Hogan’s 2014 upset election. More recently, he dispatched New Jersey State Troopers to assist with the aftermath of the Baltimore riots. Christie’s team continues to put a lot of stick in endorsements much like during the Governor’s 2013 election. The popular Marylander, fighting a high-profile battle with cancer, would be the second governor to endorse in 2016; the other, Maine’s Paul LePage, backed Christie back on July 1st. Will any of it matter?

Stay tuned…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Christie did a good job as RGA chair so the endorsement was expected. The question is, who gives a damn; with zerocare and gayriage off the table, Mexican invasion is the front-runner agenda item and sticking it to the GOPe is close behind.

  2. Once again this is the sole reason Christie wanted to be RGA chair so he would have of individuals out there oweing him when he ran for President. What a self-serving JERK he is. All the while forgetting that his primary job was Governor of NJ.

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  1. Hogan: I wouldn’t be here “were not for this guy right here” | The Save Jersey Blog

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