DeNicola, down two running mates, slams Saudino and vows to fight hard

Maura DeNicola

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Maura DeNicolaThe Bergen County GOP lost a freeholder (retirement), state senator (also retirement) AND a sheriff (defection) in one week, Save Jerseyans.

At least one veteran Republican is vowing to battle on.

Maura DeNicola is one of my favorite New Jersey elected officials. She’s passionate, smart, dedicated, and above all else a rare REAL person in the political universe, folks. Check out her statement regarding Sheriff Michael Saudino‘s betrayal in its entirety below the fold….

I am disappointed that the sheriff chose to turn his back on his party, and his commitment to the people who nurtured his political career. I am disappointed that he chose political expediency, and self-interest ahead of the people’s interest.

“I am sure the allure of the power of the Democratic Party in Bergen County is difficult to resist. I am sure Chairman Stellato made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. But there are those of us who believe in fighting for what is right and what we believe in regardless of the outcome.

“Sheriff Saudino may want us to believe that his decision is about law enforcement, but we know it’s not. It’s about making a deal to secure his re-election. So let’s not for a moment pretend that this defection today has anything to do with differences with the past administration or the sheriff’s ability to carry out his duties.

“It’s about nothing more than political ambition and succumbing to the allure of power and prolonging a political career.

“I am prepared to work this year with the citizens of this county who want fair, honest and open government and I look forward to working with the Republican Party’s nominee for sheriff.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. DiNicola: “I am prepared to work this year with the citizens of this county who want fair, honest and open government and I look forward to working with the Republican Party’s nominee for sheriff.”

    In other news, Capt. Edward J. Smith, master and commander of the doomed ocean liner Titanic, gave a final command to his crew: “Be British.”

    He then holed himself up in the wheelhouse where he drowned when the vessel sank.

    Okay now, kiddies…let’s all sing along to the NEW official anthem of New Jersey:

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Yudin breaks silence, calls on “traitor” Saudino to return GOP donations | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. Paul joins freeholder fray in Bergen County | The Save Jersey Blog
  3. OPINION: BCRO should bypass convention to renominate DeNicola | The Save Jersey Blog
  4. DiGaetano officially announces Yudin challenge; Hermansen a possible 3rd entry? | The Save Jersey Blog

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