N.J. Senator (who presided over Newark crime spree) lectures America on how to reduce gun violence

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Cory Booker (D-Twitter) has time and again displayed shocking levels of ignorance when it comes to our nation’s gun laws, Save Jerseyans. I’m not saying that just because we disagree. Even I’m not THAT petty. I’m saying it because it’s true; for example, in the past, he’s demanded the adoption of prohibitions which already exist!

Is he a dumb guy? No. But he’s much more ambitious than he is concerned with getting his facts straight. A very common trait in for a politician!

And Senator Twitter was true to form, behaving very much like a politicians when he took to the Senate Floor on Wednesday to join Democratic Senator Chris Murphy‘s filibuster designed to force a vote on on universal background checks and terror watch-list legislation:

“Enough. Enough. Enough,” Booker belched. “What we are seeking is not radical. What we’re seeking is not something that is partisan. What we’re seeking is common sense.”

Common sense?

Okay. When have you ever displayed a sufficient-enough quotient of sense to lecture the rest of us on how to stop gun violence?

And I’m not even going to get into the obvious point that the Orlando attack was a terror attack, not “gun violence,” but again, I’ve already reminded you that this guy is a politician, Save Jerseyans. He couldn’t give a fig about the facts.

Nor am I going to harp about how it’s been PROVEN that gun crime is WORST in places like the City of Newark and Chicago where gun controls are the strongest.

This post is an indictment of Cory Booker. Read this if you’re new to the game. We’ve been tracking this clown’s antics for many, many years. As Mayor of Newark (the position he held while campaigning full-time for his current job), Cory Booker tweeted and fiddled while crime reached historic highs in Newark. Around the time of his elevation to the U.S. Senate, the murder rate surged higher and robberies in Newark hit a 14-year high. Newark might be New Jersey’s gun violence capital and Cory Booker has repeatedly lied (and been called out for) manipulating his record in this respect. We’re lucky there still IS a Newark after this guy skipped town. He did nothing to alleviate the problem when he had a chance.

Cory Booker is as qualified to lecture America on gun violence as Bill Clinton is qualified to lecture high schoolers on abstinence. It’s a bad joke, and objectively ridiculous, regardless of where you fall in the ‘gun control’ debate.

Don’t want to take my advice? You love quotes, Senator Booker. Here’s one to remember, courtesy of Confucius: 

True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.”

Tweet that and internalize it for the sake of all of us, Mr. Senator.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.