ELECTION 2017: Ciattarelli Hits Guadagno Over Economic News Heading Into ‘State of the State’


Governor Chris Christie is set to give his annual ‘State of the State’ Address on Tuesday, January 10th, Save Jerseyans, and New Jersey is once again atop the list of states with net-outbound migration (63% of N.J. moves are going in the wrong direction).

That’s nothing new.

What is new? A race to replace Christie is already underway, and his own party’s primary is just starting to heat up.

On Friday, Asm. Jack Ciattarelli (R-Somerset), an announced candidate for the 2017 GOP nomination, laid into Chris Christie’s #2, Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno, over the results of the annual United Van Lines’s study as well as a new report from a Rutgers-based economist warning that New Jersey continues “lagging behind the nation.”

“I applaud the Lt. Governor for her effort, but we need results. As an MBA/CPA and 20-year Main Street business owner, I know the numbers don’t lie,” said Ciattarelli in a statement obtained by Save Jersey. “The current approach is not working.  My five-point plan for economic and fiscal reform is the new direction our state desperately needs to make New Jersey a great place to live, work and retire again.”

Guadagno (L) and Ciattarelli (R)

In light of the grim economic news, Ciattarelli took specific aim at a section of the LG’s website where she claimed credit for “leading the Christie Administration’s efforts to improve New Jersey’s economic vitality, encourage job growth, streamline government and make business feel welcome again in New Jersey.”

“As for any ‘new normal,’ I reject the notion that New Jersey’s economy is permanently broken.  Given all of our institutional resources, not least of all our hard-working citizens, we should never settle for being one of the worst states in the country for job creation and economic growth.  As Governor, I won’t,” added Ciattarelli.  “The state needs a Chief Executive Officer, a turnaround specialist.  My private sector experience allows me to be just that.  My plan for comprehensive tax reform and a smaller, smarter, and more modern state government will be the kick-start our economy needs to grow.”

The Assemblyman is owner and publisher of Galen Publishing, L.L.C., a medical publishing company, and a formerly practicing certified public accountant.

Lt. Gov. Guadagno (a former prosecutor and sheriff) is not yet an announced candidate for governor but she is expected to launch her campaign in January. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, she’s labored in recent months to create distance between herself and her unpopular boss on high-profile topics, notably the fall 2016 gas tax hike deal, but remains deeply popular among many rank-and-file GOP county committee members for her long record of campaign work on the road.

Team Ciattarelli led by consultant-in-chief Chris Russell and campaign manager Rick Rosenberg had promised a hard-hitting primary against Guadagno, the establishment favorite; today’s salvo is the first direct hit of the nascent contest. They unveiled a 5-point economic plan back in December.

Ciattarelli’s current field of probable 2017 competitors for the Republican nomination include Guadagno, Evesham Mayor Randy Brown, State Senator Mike Doherty, comedian Joe Piscopo, Nutley Township Commissioner Steven L. Rogers, and social media activist Joe Rullo. Of this grouping, only Rogers and Rullo have formally announced to date.

Democrat Goldman Sachs alum Phil Murphy (a/k/a Corzine 2.0) is the heavily-favored front runner for his own party’s nomination. He faces token opposition from candidates including Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex).


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