GOP Legislator Fires Back: Christie’s “No Longer the Leader” of N.J. Republicans

Erik Peterson

In the wake of Governor Chris Christie‘s declaration of war against a majority of his own party, urging LiUNA union members to defeat Republicans who opposed the gas tax hike, Assemblyman Erik Peterson (R-23) is perhaps only announcing the time of day, Save Jerseyans.

“The Governor has made it abundantly clear that he is no longer the leader of the Republican Party in New Jersey,” Peterson declared in a statement obtained by Save Jersey. “This time, he chose line the pockets of special interests and labor unions, while those of us who voted against the gas tax increase stood with the millions of middle class families throughout New Jersey who now have to struggle to make ends meet due to the Governor’s massive tax hike.  His abdication has resulted in every New Jerseyan paying higher taxes, and more borrowing by a State that struggles to pay its debt. Now this ‘Brutus’ of New Jersey politics is calling on his big money special interest ‘friends’ to oppose members of his own party.”

Christie’s historic gas tax hike included increased spending and taxes but no offsetting reforms to control New Jersey’s extremely high road maintenance costs, something clearly not a high priority for unions who benefit from public contracts.

“This is one step too far and I will no longer stay silent while the Governor bankrupts the State I love and impoverishes its hardworking residents.  I will gladly defend my record on the issue, and continue opposing the waste, fraud and abuse that is far too common in Trenton, even under this Governor’s administration,” added Peterson.

Peterson’s sentiments where echoed earlier in the day by state Senator Jennifer Beck (R-11), defending one of this year’s most hotly-contested seats, who declared  her intent to “always stand up for what is right by my constituents, even in the face of pressure from the Governor and special interests.”


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