SHOCK: Black Democrat Freeholder Accuses Senator Whelan of Overt Racism


The circus that’s this year’s LD2 Democrat legislative ticket has been well-reported by our friend Harry Hurley of WPG Talk Radio 104.1 FM, Save Jerseyans.

The latest twist?

After Freeholder Ernest Coursey lost his Assembly nomination bid to the obscure John Armato, a Buena Vista Township Committeeman, after two separate conventions and multiple ballots, Coursey shared a shocking allegation with Hurley on his Wednesday morning program.

“Atlantic County Freeholder Ernest Coursey just confirmed (7:40 a.m.) live on-the-air that New Jersey State Senator Jim Whelan directly told him, ‘that an African-American cannot win on the legislative ticket in District 2,'” Hurley relayed on social media after the early morning appearance.


Jim Whelan: Racist?

Background: Whelan is retiring this year; Colin Bell, Coursey’s colleague on the freeholder board, recently subbed into the State Senate race for Assemblyman Vince Mazzeo who was likely ordered to stand down by party leaders for fear that Republican Assemblyman Chris Brown was about to destroy him in the general election. I believe those feats were well-founded.

Let’s look at the bigger picture: The Whelan allegations are ugly, yes, but for those of us who follow N.J. politics closely, the hypocrisy of New Jersey Democrats on the ever-present race issue is anything but surprising. The modern Democrat establishment feels entitled to minority votes and, in rare moments of honesty (or sloppiness, as is allegedly the case with Senator Whelan) they admit it.

Ugliness ensues when anyone (including a black Democrat elected official like Coursey) departs from the script and questions the narrative.

We’ve seen it time and time again. Look no further than the Rutgers/Condi Rice debacle for further proof.

In any event, either way, it’s looking less and less likely that Democrats will be able to pull themselves together in time to mount a coherent challenge to Brown and his ticket this November. Coursey is determined to run off-the-line against Mazzeo and Armato this June. Whelan may’ve given him a fantastic issue upon which to run in a Democrat Primary that is heavily African American attributable to Atlantic City’s and Pleasantville’s presence in LD2.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.