PCRRO Posts Vote of No Confidence in Chairman Traier

John Traier (second from Left) - Photo Credit: PCRRO

John Traier‘s grip on the Passaic County GOP has always been tenuous, Save Jerseyans, but tonight it got weaker when the 22-member executive committee passed a vote of non confidence by a 2-to-1 margin

“You are 1 for 17 in countywide elections,” said Matt Conlon, West Milford GOP Municipal Chairman, in a statement released by anti-Traier forces following the meeting. “Kristin is your only win during your tenure as Chairman and you did not support her then or now.”

Colon is referring to LD40 Republican Senate nominee Kristin Corrado, the incumbent county clerk of Passaic; Traier backed her primary opponent and county chair colleage  Paul DiGaetano of Bergen.



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