Slick Zwick complains that his opponents are fighting dirty… by quoting him!

Zwicker being a phony (via Facebook)

If you’re a N.J. Democrat or living in the 16th Legislative District, Save Jerseyans, you might’ve received a fundraising appeal from incumbent Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker (D-South Brunswick) this week.

I removed the donation links; focus on the mailer (and the first and third paragraphs):

From: Andrew Zwicker [mailto:                           ] On Behalf Of Andrew Zwicker
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2017 12:04 PM
Subject: Politics of Distortion and Division

The moment I decided to run for re-election I knew I’d have a target on my back. After what we saw in last year’s presidential election, I figured my opponents would go low. But I didn’t think they would go this low…

Please chip in $75, $50, $25, or whatever you can right now to help get out my message of evidence-based decision making and common-sense solutions.

You can read the full post at the end of this email.  The reason why they blurred out my full post, took my words out of context, and strung them together to create a false narrative was because their claim to be “bipartisan leaders” won’t fly with voters.  Instead, they have spent the past year running a smear campaign, calling me “slick,” “wacky,” “elitist,” “arrogant,” and more.  My opponents’ entire campaign consists of attacking me in the most “Trumpian” manner, creating a false narrative of division at a time when we need so much more.

If you agree the citizens of the 16th Legislative District and New Jersey deserve better than this in their candidates and public officials, please click here to donate.

Help me show the nation that the Trump playbook won’t work in New Jersey. Let’s take a stand against pretending “alternative facts” reflect reality. In this last week of the campaign, I will continue to do what I always have done and work to get out the vote on a message of optimism, evidence-based decision-making, and a vision for a NJ that we can all be proud of in the years ahead.

Click here to contribute whatever you can to make sure my opponents aren’t rewarded for the politics of distortion and division.



Let’s get this straight: Zwicker is complaining about his opponents attacking him WITH HIS OWN QUOTES.

Here’s the entire post from August 13, 2017 referenced in the mailer above:

My thoughts on the events in Charlottesville

Yesterday, I spent the afternoon knocking on doors and talking to people. I met many wonderful people, but the conversation that shook me up was with an older gentleman, a proud Vietnam veteran who was filled with hate and anger. When I asked him why, he could not really explain and only told me that he wanted America to return to a time when things were “better” – though he couldn’t tell me what that meant to him. 

Later in the afternoon, I read about the horrifying events that happened in Charlottesville and I my stomach churned and my heart ached, I thought more about the man I had talked to a few hours earlier. I don’t know what he thought about the neo-Nazis and white supremacists, about the young woman that was killed while peacefully protesting, but their hatred and his hatred seemed to be rooted in the same place, the same fear. And he doesn’t live in Virginia, he’s our neighbor here in New Jersey.

Earlier today, I gathered in Palmer Square in Princeton with hundreds of people to stand in solidarity with the overwhelming majority of Americans that are united by a vision of a country that one day will truly exist in a place of peace, justice, and opportunity for all. For an hour, my heart was filled again with optimism, an optimism that continues as I write this, an optimism that is rooted in knowing that the people who spew hatred and violence are going to lose this battle over the heart, the soul, and the future of America. Because we will not let them win.

The question is what are we going to do now? This is an especially pressing question for those of us who are in positions of privilege, or power, or whose lives are not threatened by hateful bigotry or institutional injustice. When the vigils are done, the songs sung, the prayers prayed, the statements (like this one) written the only thing that remains is action.

There is much to do and we must do it together. Talk to your neighbors, your friends, your family and fight every day towards making sure that when the history books look back at 2017 they see that this is only a small bump in the road as we march together bound by optimism, hope and a fierce determination – for our country and for each and every one of us.

[Emphasis added.]

So Zwicker is the one who demeaned Vietnam veteran for an old, inarticulate jerk AND implied that this veteran, who fought for his country in the brutal jungles of Southeast Asia, might sympathize with neo-nazis.

No one “took [his’ words out of context.”

The Republicans only needed to ***accurately*** quote a formerly public Facebook post WHICH, shortly before Save Jersey originally wrote about it, Zwicker took down and/or made it private.

He’s proud of words, and raising money off of words, that he was too afraid YOU might see??

Zwicker says a lot of objectively dumb things for a guy who’s constantly telling everyone how smart he is, slandering opponents and even putting down most of his own constituents.

If he wants better press? And less biting attack mailers?

Zwicker could help his cause by thinking before opening his mouth.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.