Booker campaigns against Moore, slams Franken… but does he still love Slick Willie?

Long before Roy Moore faced down a handful of serious accusations from decades ago? And Al Franken was forced to resign for his own handful of extremely inappropriate encounters with the opposite sex?

There was Bill Clinton, Save Jerseyans.

a/k/a Slick Willie.

The former Pervert-in-Chief with more sexual allegations to his name — many credible  — than Moore, Franken, and the rest of Congress combined.

Democrats are JUST NOW, two decades after impeachment, coming around to the idea that celebrating this silver-haired, smooth-talking Arkansas predator isn’t a good idea. When the Democrats complained bitterly that it was “just sex” in the 1990s (the perjury thing went right over their heads), conservatives were laughed at for suggesting that it was more serious than all that. That maybe, just maybe, poor moral behavior was relevant in assessing job performance.

No one is laughing in 2017.

Which brings me to our old friend Cory Booker (D-Twitter). He was NOT shoveling snow in Newark on Saturday; he was down in Alabama campaigning against Moore ahead of Tuesday’s special U.S. Senate contest:

A page is kind of like an intern, Mr. Booker. Correct?

So why did strike out against Moore, and throw Al Franken overboard this week over ‘what seems to be a pattern’ of sexual misdeeds, but fundraised with and shilled for Bill and Hillary Clinton’s attempted 2016 reconquista of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? The former whose activities (including some involving an intern, a cigar and blue dress) we already mentioned above and the latter who, over the course of decades, trashed and attempted to destroy her husband’s female accusers?

This guy is a fraud, folks.

That’s my only point here.

I’m not trying to re-litigate the cases against Moore, Clinton, or Franken since you already believe whatever you’ve chosen to believe. Nor am I seeking any sort of moral equivalency here. Pigs are pigs regardless of party affiliation. This is one of the reasons why this country elects our leaders.

Whether we’re talking about pervert politicians or corporate taxation and Jerusalem? Cory Booker – a man with designs on the White House – has proven time and time again that he lacks any core beliefs, hopping on whatever bandwagon seems most advantageous to his high aspirations at any given time. Opportunistic, shallow, basic… a living breathing hashtag!

When the Clintons were his ticket? He was all in and part of the team, no questions asked.

Now that the culture is heading in a different direction? And Hilldawg didn’t win with him as her Veep? He’s making like a chameleon.

Calling all Bernie Bros. I know you’re betas, but if you want to win in 2020? Letting Cory Booker join your national ticket would be as inadvisable as investing in a SoCal avocado farm.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.