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FACT CHECK: Bill Pascrell peddles Social Security fake news on Twitter

Don’t be surprised if Bill Pascrell has an unusually late Election Night, Save Jerseyans. I’m serious! It’s simple math. Phil Murphy carried his “deep blue” district by the relatively modest margin of 7-points last year. That’s considerably better than Murphy’s 16-point win in the “old” pre-redistricting NJ-09. GOP nominee Billy Prempeh, a hard-charging black conservative, might make things interesting. A much closer-than-normal race makes sense in a wave year.

The ancient Leftist is responding by doubling-down on his “old man yells at cloud” persona on Twitter, accusing Republicans of being traitors and peddling outlandish lies.

Like this one:


Calling this “deliberately misleading” is too generous.

Democrats can’t find an issue that works for them this cycle as Republicans build advantages on inflation, crime, education, and other key decision-driving topics. They’re falling back to scare tactics, and this is one of their favorites; remember the video parody of Paul Ryan pushing a grandmother off of a cliff?

But Republicans aren’t running on cutting benefits. The “Commitment for America” plan (this cycle’s version of the 1994 Contract with America) includes “save and strengthen Social Security and Medicare” as an action item. Even The Washington Post recently fact checked the claim of a GOP plan to cut benefits and rated it false:

“…Democrats often conjure up nonexistent plans by Republicans to terminate or somehow undermine the programs. This tactic has certainly given us material to fact-check.

In 2014, for instance, House Democrats falsely accused then-congressional candidate Martha McSally of wanting to “privatize” Social Security, even though a more modest version of the idea by President George W. Bush years before could not even get a committee vote when Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. And in the 2020 presidential race, Joe Biden falsely claimed that President Donald Trump had a “plan” to deplete Social Security so benefits would run out in three years.

In that same campaign, Biden accused Trump of wanting to “slash Medicare benefits.” Not so. In fact, back in 2011, then-Vice President Biden accused House Republicans of proposing a plan “eliminating Medicare in the next 10 years.” That wasn’t true, either.”

No one is gutting Social Security.

No one is gutting Medicare.

I reported Bill Pascrell’s tweet (see above) to Elon Musk (aka Twitter) for misinformation. You should, too.

Just the other day, the White House (!) had to delete a mislead tweet (!!) regarding Social Security. The tide is turning. We’re not going to sit back and let them lie with impunity any longer without speaking out and fighting back. There’s too much at stake for this country.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.