Adler Supports Obama’s Medicare Cuts… But Not Paul Ryan’s?

Shelley Adler is challenging Jon Runyan.

The greatest part about running a principled, courageous conservative like Paul Ryan for national office? Democrats freak out and reveal their true colors! Their lies, distortions and yes, stunning hypocrisy.

A notable hypocrite close to home? Shelley Adler, the Democrat candidate for the 3rd Congressional District this November. Responding to Mitt Romney’s veep announcement, Adler parroted President Obama’s promulgated talking points and went after Paul Ryan on Medicare:

Congressman Runyan has time and again sided with party leaders against the interests of middle-class families and seniors.

No greater example exists than the Ryan-Runyan budgets that would dismantle Medicare costing future beneficiaries $6,400 more a year, and providing tax breaks for millionaires, Big Oil and companies that ship American jobs overseas.

Today, middle-class families and seniors in the Third District will hear the warning alarms because the Ryan-Runyan budget received a national stage to follow through on their harmful agenda.”

Adler would just be wrong and not a hypocrite, too, were it not for two inconvenient truths:

  1. President Obama’s “Affordable Care Act” will engender $716 billion in Medicare cuts between 2013 and 2022, hastening the insolvency of Medicare Part A (in 12 years).
  2. Adler refused to disclose her position on Obamacare, inarguably the single most consequential issue of Election 2012, for the first few months (not days or weeks) of her current campaign. She finally opened up and performed a clumsy political backflip in mid-July, coming out against the landmark legislation while simultaneously refusing to support its repeal.

Cuts to our overleveraged, underfunded, idealistic and unworkable welfare state are inevitable. The difference between the Obama and Ryan approaches? In brief, the Obama plan is no plan at all. It’s a gimmick. He robs Peter to pay Paul; Medicare payroll tax increases will pay for other aspects of Obamacare as the program speeds towards collapse. Paul Ryan seeks a permanent solution that includes gradually introducing a free market component and changing the benefits structure for future (not current) retirees.

Adler’s position is no position at all, Save Jerseyans. She attacks Congressman Ryan’s plan for allegedly plotting to “dismantle” Medicare but refuses to criticize her own party’s president for bankrupting it… with a healthcare law that she doesn’t support but won’t repeal?!

Tackling tough issues is courageous. Talking out both sides of your mouth for political gain is pathetic and unworthy of a member of Congress.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


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