Ignorance Abounds On Constitution Day 2012

Despite the fact that our United States Constitution (signed by the Constitutional Convention’s delegates 225 years ago today – September 17, 1787) has successfully navigated this republic through invasion, a civil war, a continental expansion, two world wars, desegregation, and a cold war, there are more Americans alive today than ever before who either (1) don’t understand or (2) don’t respect the true genius of that exalted 4,543-word document.

Examples are all around us.

On the Right, Paulbots frequently reference Jeffersonian Democracy as their ideal form of government while simultaneously pledging fealty to the federal constitution. Did you catch the disconnect there, Save Jerseyans? If you didn’t, then please read this post, take two and call me in the morning!

Meanwhile, on the Left, Tom “Thin-Skinned” Moran (opinion editor of the state’s largest newspaper) espoused his radical judgment of our country’s foundational document in a Sunday op-ed; Mr. Moran thinks our Constitution is “broken” and that Jefferson knew it (an assumption intended to validate his conclusion?). And this astounding statement is based on what exactly? The fact that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-IL) won’t support large portions of the Obama Administration’s agenda.

Right… because that fascinating conclusion isn’t the least bit motivated by partisanship… though Moran is presumably okay with a single man in a black robe rewriting defective legislation to preserve an otherwise unconstitutional mandate?

And neither end of the ideological extremes regularly acknowledges how their favorite constitutional critic, Thomas Jefferson, wasn’t even present at the Constitutional Convention. Jefferson also supported the French Revolution’s species of popular democracy as an alternative to a strong Hamiltonian federal model. Oops!

At the end of the day, my dear Save Jerseyans, so many of this great nation’s problems 225 years later stem from pure, innocent ignorance that is inherently exploitable by less pure, less innocent forces. Information is power! If citizens don’t understand WHAT the Constitution was designed to accomplish, what it protects, why it was necessary, the circumstances surrounding when it came into being and who played a major handing in developing it, then how can they be expected to make informed decision when the leaders of our republican fail to live within its boundaries?

Do your part. I highly recommend visiting The Heritage Foundation’s Federalist Papers archives if you never have before. If you are already well-versed in Hamilton/Madison/Jay’s magnum opus but know someone who isn’t, please take a moment before bed tonight to forward this post to him or her. Consider this small act a 225th birthday present to your imperiled country!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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