ELECTION 2012 RESULTS MAP: Obama Wins Ohio and the Presidency

The 2012 Map

1:47 pm – Bright spot of NJ Republicans? Donna Simon has declared victory over Marie Corfield in the LD16 special. Less bright? The Gloucester GOP’s bid to take over county government came up short.

1:28 pm – NJ GOP tries to put a good face on defeat:

While the results are extremely disappointing, it is by no means the end to the Republican Party’s efforts to bring real common sense and conservative change to this country. The Romney campaign and their supporters, all across our country and here in New Jersey, ran an incredible race and should be very proud of the hard work they put into making America a better place for everyone.  President Obama now has another four years to make good on two campaigns worth of promises, most importantly getting this country back to work, and he can be confident that the American people will hold him accountable.”


11:44 pm – Another back at home update… Jon Runyan is reelected as expected in 2012. In worse news (but perhaps equally expected) the GOP has lost control of the Bergen County Freeholder Board.

11:14 pm – For what it’s worth, Karl Rove is disputing Fox’s decision to call Ohio. He’s a good authority. That said… Romney would still need to win FL, VA, and CO…

11:14 pm – Obama wins Ohio… that’s the ballgame… 

11:05 pm – The grim Romney situation… he needs to win OH, VA, FL and CO to prevail. Right now, Republicans are only bullish in two. Interestingly, the Republican ticket is winning independents but (mea culpa) Democrats came out big enough in the battleground states to offset those advantages.

10:46 pm – The South holds… Romney wins NC…

10:46 pmBack at home in New Jersey… Frank LoBiondo (R-2), Chris Smith (R-4), Scott Garrett (R-5), Leonard Lance (R-7) and Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-11) all reelected; Runyan leads by about 6,000 votes in NJ-3….

10:35 pm – NJ GOP Chairman’s statement on Joe Kyrillos’s loss… 

Senator Joe Kyrillos ran a great campaign against very tough circumstances and despite the loss, his family, campaign team, and supporters should be very proud of their efforts. Throughout his career, Joe has proven that he is dedicated to the kinds of common sense reforms that have helped turn New Jersey around and he demonstrated that same determination during this campaign. Joe represents the very best of New Jersey and has fought for his constituents faithfully from the day he took office and I have no doubt he will continue to do so for many years to come.” 

9:55 pm – NH off the map. Romney path continues to narrow.

9:45 pm – Florida is looking OKAY for Romney (Obama underperforming in Palm Co.)… Ohio looking less okay… Romney down 6-points with only 9% counted in Obama-heavy Cuyahoga…

9:34 pm – Obama is up in Ohio… has 100k margin in Cuyahoga… Romney is running out of room… waiting on Warren and Butler counties which are strong GOP…

9:16 pm – PA for Obama… not good…

9:12 pm – Gary Johnson’s 35,076 votes are the margin right now in #FL… track the Sunshine State results live here…

9:02 pm – Michigan called for Obama…

8:58 pm – PA called for Bob Casey… does it tell us anything about Romney’s PA shot?

8:44 pm – Based on my read of the numbers (obvious statement, I know), Ohio is going to be VERY close. Obama got a lot of early votes. Less than he wanted. Romney turned out his base in the South. Enough?

8:40 pm – More from my fav, Adrian Gray: VA: “Henrico county O+4 is 8% behind 2008. Montgomery county R+11 is outperforming Bush 2004. Still early.” Did Northern Virginia turn out? Not as well as Southern #VA…

8:32 pm – Check out my Ohio analysis as we wait… “[s]ince (1) these public surveys are assuming 2008 or better Democrat turnout and (2) Democrat early voting isn’t hitting its ’08 targets, the onus is actually on Obama (not Romney) to over-perform today.”

8:29 pm – Arkansas falls in line…

8:11 pm – Fox calls NJ for Obama and Menendez… but aren’t we still counting until Friday?

8:10 pm – Still no surprises… media is relying on the exit polls while simultaneously reminding us that they’re often wrong. Very useful…

7:56 pm – According to Adrian Gray, “Romney is up by 2% in Vigo county, Indiana, home of Terre Haute. The county has picked every president since Eisenhower.”

7:49 pm – Par for the course so far. I’m hearing anecdotal good things out of FL and PA. No solid numbers just yet.

7:17 pm – Current popular vote… R 52, O 57%

7:07 pm – Not a bad thing that Indiana got called right away, folks. Was expected to be Romney but Obama won there in 2008… Ohio polls close in 23 minutes… click here for our official pre-election projection…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. For what it's worth: very high turnout in my ward in Jersey City. Deep blue came out and voted. I was hoping for a low turnout.. this does not bode well for Romney.

  2. FL looks like Obama to me.. Miami Dade hasn't come close to fully reporting in. A bunch more votes for Obama.

  3. Florida is looking okay for Romney? What results are you looking at? According to CNN, Obama is leading that state with 84% of the votes counted. They are waiting on Broward and Palm Beach counties to report. Both of those counties are heavily Democratic. It's time to face reality, Matt. Obama is going to carry Florida. The election is over. Obama has been re-elected.

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