A New World

October 13, 2013 Dan Cirucci 46

Christopher Columbus And His Inspiring Story By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot Though Christopher Columbus’ actual birthday is October 12,  it is observed this year on October […]

This Is Not Rocket Science

October 7, 2013 Dan Cirucci 24

Shutdown: How The Problem Can Be Solved By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot Does anyone really believe that this shutdown problem cannot be solved? Does anyone really […]

Ultimate Irony

June 26, 2013 Dan Cirucci 3

Supreme’s Voting Rights Ruling Reveals Ultimate Irony By Dan Cirucci | Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot We hate the word “ironic.” We really do. We think it’s dreadfully overused. But […]

Amazing Grace?

April 22, 2013 Dan Cirucci 3

Whoa! Maureen Dowd Channels Dan Cirucci Blog! By Dan Cirucci | Cross-Posted at Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot Last week, right here we wrote about how President Obama lost the […]

An Incalculable Loss

April 8, 2013 Dan Cirucci 25

How to assess the passing of Lady Thatcher? By Dan Cirucci | Cross-Posted at Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot By any means of measure this is an incalculable loss — […]

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39 Predictions for 2013

December 28, 2012 Dan Cirucci 0

39 Bold New Predictions for the New Year from Our Delaware Valley Guest Contributor Dan Cirucci | Cross-Posted at Dan Cirucci’s Blogspot Let’s get right […]