Kean to Replace Rice

May 5, 2014 Matt Rooney 3

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog They may hate Republicans, Save Jerseyans, but when the liberals at Rutgers box themselves into a self-induced commencement jam, it’s […]

Kean-Christie Wounds Are Festering

November 17, 2013 Art Gallagher 4

By Art Gallagher | While Trenton Democrats are planning their aggressive “lame -duck” agenda with an eye on making Governor Chris Christie’s 2016 prospects more difficult, New Jersey’s […]

Kean? Or Quinnipiac?

October 31, 2013 Matt Rooney 43

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog We’ve updated our rolling #njgov public polling average to reflect the release of a new survey, Save Jerseyans. Governor Christie […]

Kean Sr. Sees Blowout

January 28, 2013 Matt Rooney 41

Former Republican Governor Thinks New Jersey Democrats May Face “Trouble Right Down the Ticket” in 2013 By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog This observation is hardly […]