Axelrod Backs Rothman in NJ-9

A little North Jersey Election 2012 news coming at you, Save Jerseyans.

Our friends at The Fix are reporting the entry of senior Obama adviser and current campaigns comms direction David Axelrod into the hotly contested NJ-9 Democrat Primary.

Axelrod’s decision to back Rep. Steve Rothman isn’t surprising. It’s a de fact endorsement from the Big O himself since Rothman backed President Obama in 2008 while his adversary, Rep. Bill Pascrell, threw his weight between Hillary Clinton. That’s why former President Bill Clinton recently endorsed Pascrell.

Did I mention how Axelrod previously served as a top advisor to President Clinton in a past life? Politics can be incestuous like that. Especially on the Left side of the aisle. Interestingly enough, tensions have nevertheless remained high between the Obamites and the Old Guard. A recent biographical release alleges that Slick Willy urged his wife to challenge the “amateur” incumbent president as recently as last summer. I’m sure this revelation raised at least a few eyebrows in the West Wing.

So go ahead and pick your poison, NJ-9 voters. Your choice is between Clinton era throwbacks and Obama’s ideological lackeys. Like Brian said yesterday, I wish there existed a guaranteed way for both of them to lose! 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. to the editor

    After countless, phone calls, messages, emails, and letters, to deans, heads of departments, and the president of Rutgers himself, many concerned students and myself remain left in the dark and our questions unanswered. Our beloved Professor Dr. Rosenberg, has been a victim of the anti-semetic environment that has been created and allowed to grow at Rutgers University. Dr. Rosenberg has been facing many instances of harassment by department heads, deans, and leaders for no reason. He has made many formal complaints and reports to numerous departments over a span of many weeks, and the only response he and us students receive are very rude responses that simply say "thanks" and that this is a personnel matter. This is not the way that a prestigious university, the state university of New Jersey should be handling the serious concerns that its staff and students have regarding harassment, more specifically, anti-semitism. It was not until one of the Rutgers university daily newspapers, The Medium, published an article entitled "What About the Good Things Hitler Did?" In this article, the Medium praised Hitler and said he wasn't such a bad guy, The medium used an active Jewish students name, and picture as the author of the article, when he in fact had no relation to the article. This is one instance that was made known due to the severity and availability of the evidence since it was published in a newspaper allowed by Rutgers to be circulated throughout campus. Unfortunately for Dr. Rosenberg, the anti-semtism he faces from the department is not published in newspapers, and therefore is not as easily seen by others. however this does not mean that this serious issue can be ignored. Dr. Rosenberg is one of the only professor here at Rutgers that willingly and proudly wears a "skullcap" every day, clearly revealing his Jewish religion. Also a clergyman, he often speaks publicly about his religious views as well as others. He respects all religions and simply wished that people would do the same for his. Now Dr. Rosenberg has lost his opportunity to teach his public speaking course which he does every summer for over 10 years. He is not getting a response as to whether or not he will be teaching in the fall, and the harassment continues. The fact of the matter is that Rutgers University has created an anti-semitic atmosphere and has let it thrive to the point where students feel comfortable publishing anti-semetic articles in a well known school newspaper. Rutgers University allows this paper to circulate throughout campus just like they allow their main newspaper "The Daily Targum" which refuses to address this issue after numerous requests. Overall, something must be done about the anti-semitic injustices Dr. Rosenberg has and still is facing here at Rutgers University.

    As we are in the midst of concluding the Spring Semester, we the students of Doctor Rosenberg want you to know that this has been on of the most enjoyable non pressure, insightful, and exciting courses we have ever taken at Rutgers. Unlike other teachers, through his dynamic teaching abilities and intuitive nature, he instills within his students the desire to constantly improve. He does this not through pressure, numerous papers, constant criticism, but through a magic that he possesses to convey his belief in his students abilities to perform. In short he makes public speaking fun. While we have followed the syllabus he has done so with great humor, intelligence, creativity, and sensitivity. We have heard from other students how unhappy they are in other public speaking classes. How even though they deserve an A, the grades have been severely lessened because of their written work on first drafts. Dr. Rosenberg has made this a true public speaking class. He has corrected out outlines and given us tests but from both we have learned much without stress and pressure. It is beyond our understanding why our teacher should be harassed when he in fact deserves the teacher of the year award at Rutgers.

    Sincerely the Concerned Students of Dr. Rosenberg’s class,

    Nicole Honey

    Jackson Udelsman

    Leonora Slatnick

    Lucas Blebelberg

    Rob Beringer

    Ruslana Trytas

    Megan Caylor

    Justic Brown

    Rebecca Sampayo

    Prahlad Annamraju

    Karina Veliz

    Loren Williams

    Meagan Robinson

    Felicia O’Donnell

    Allison Payenski

    Camille Handy

    Shama Jhaveri

    Hyeri Ahn

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