Losing It! Part Deux

It’s amazing how accurately weighted polls are all reporting the same trend, Save Jerseyans: momentum behind presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney heading into the summer months.

Something is happening out there and the President’s people aren’t completely tone deaf to it. As your Blogger-in-Chief discussed yesterday, Team Obama is starting to “lose it” as the realization that they may lose the general election begins to sink in. All of their crazy is on full display!

The latest catalyst: a new CBS/NYT poll (conducted between May 11th and 13th, notably after Obama’s gay marriage non-announcement) shows Romney with a small but statistically significant 3-point lead over President Obama. The last CBC/NYT poll taken about one month ago showed a tie.

Hence, the reason why Obama’s campaign is presently running that incredibly desperate and misleading Bane Capital attack ad. In May. Six months out. Even one of his former auto bailout advisers is calling it “unfair.” What gives? How can a President who has lost millions of jobs – and even cut some to “save” Detroit – waive his finger at Mitt for a few venture capital projects that went sour out of hundreds of success stories?

It’s just not credible and, frankly, I doubt anyone believes this ad is a good idea. Maybe Newt? But desperation and logic don’t inhabit the same lobe of the brain, Save Jerseyans.

Expect to see more silliness from Obama, Inc. if these trends persist. I say “great!” Obama’s polls drop every time his liberal cohorts reveal their true colors.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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