It’s all fine and good to blame Corzine Democrats for our state’s woes, Save Jerseyans. God knows they deserve it. But if you’re really interested in the whole truth, then you can’t overlook how New Jersey Republicans have traditionally been their own worst enemy, and therein lies a degree of GOP complicity in New Jersey’s economic decline.
This past week provided a few particularly grisly and embarrassing examples.
Up in Bergen County, an ongoing Republican civil war entered a new bloody stage as the Republican County Executive sued the Republican-controlled Freeholder Board. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Who cares! The voters don’t; all they can see if chronic dysfunction and it’s a major turnoff. So with every passing day, a Democrat countywide comeback — just two years after the BCRO reclaimed the reins of power — looks more and more likely. That’s extremely bad news for statewide Republicans, too; we can’t afford to keep losing the state’s most populous county and expect to “Save” Jersey.
But don’t feel too bad, innocent Bergenites. Intra-party relations weren’t any healthier at the federal level…
Purposely or not, state Senator Joe Kyrillos pulled “a Newt Gingrich” when two ill-advised attempts to distinguish himself from the Romney-Ryan ticket (on the issues of taxes and tax returns respectively) resulted in self-inflicted injuries. Gaffes happen every day, and you’d certainly rather have this stuff happen in August than October; unfortunately, underdog campaigns can’t afford anything other than near-perfection in the branding/messaging department. To make matters worse, Rush Holt’s Republican opponent in NJ-12, Eric Beck, was quick to criticize the man who is situated only one slot above him in the GOP column via two separate, stinging press releases. The winners of this exchange? Huffpo, Bob Menendez, and every other lib lackey who had a ball watching it.
Elsewhere, Trenton’s liberal Democrats publicly fretted over the “real” threat of New Jersey voter ID legislation that they won’t let out of committee. It would’ve been nice to hear someone call them out on it. But guess what? Not one single Republican surfaced to defend their caucus’s own proposal! Apparently, your Blogger-in-Chief was the only “R” east of the Delaware River willing to speak with the press and defend Republican legislation that the American people overwhelmingly support???
Yes, all of this Republican-on-Republican absurdity is exactly what you want to see 2 1/2 months before Election Day!
Rough statewide unemployment news was the cherry on top of the NJGOP’s dirt sundae. Are Democrat criticisms of the “Jersey Comeback” valid? Nope. Not at all. But how can we articulate an effective response when our politicians are too busy savaging each other?
Just thank the Lord Almighty that we have Chris Christie’s keynote address to look forward to later this month, Save Jerseyans. Otherwise, Garden State GOP’ers wouldn’t have much to hang their hats on right now in the pride department. We’re rapidly slipping back into destructive old habits and setting ourselves up for a second stint of statewide irrelevance as soon as Governor Christie’s star power and fundraising prowess are no longer available to bail us out.
Let’s make next week better. Seeing a full-throated GOP defense of voter ID legislation on Monday morning would be a very nice start!
kyrillos's campaign is over. don't waste your breath trying to save them, mr. rooney. could use your focus on other winnable races.
We never had a chance.
Maybe if the GOP in NJ was not so frigging corupt,I would say equilly corupt as the Democraps,they would not have anything to canibalise themselves about. I am so sick of luke warm Republicans. As a matter of fact,I am so sick of them,I will no longer support them.I will write in Ron Paul for POTUS, I will vote for the R ticket state wide ,but here is the kicker,I am moveing the hell out of here.I can't take it anymore. I was born and raised here,my whole family is here and NY,And I am Moveing to Texas.%3 unemployment,no state tax,5 ackers and a 3 bedroom ready to move in,and the property taxes are only 1200 a year. How would you all like that? I can no longer watch people represent themselves as conservitive republicans and then vote contrary to that stand.So this year,after I vote ,if I am still here I vote with my feet and get out while the getting is good.