Which Party is Really Obsessed with Social Issues, Assemblyman Chivukula?

Did you see this TV spot from Upendra Chivukula, Save Jerseyans?

A New Jersey Democrat legislator and former winner of the Save Jersey “Most Ignorant Quote of the Week Award,” Assemblyman Chivukula is challenging incumbent Leonard Lance (R, NJ-7) in what we’ll term a formally competitive congressional district.

In other words, he doesn’t have a shot in hell. I nevertheless found his latest commercial worth examining for reasons that have nothing to do with the actual NJ-7 2012 House race:


The big laugh line? Though I suspect it wasn’t supposed to be funny…

“The Tea Party Congress is stuck, they want to make abortion illegal, instead of worrying about the real problems facing this country.”

Cute line, Assemblyman. Too bad it’s also pure fiction…

The New Jersey Democrat Party is utterly and completely obsessed with social issues just like their national counterparts (don’t even get me started on California’s Governor Brown)! The highest ranking member of Chivukula’s party in Trenton, Steve Sweeney, is interested in pretty much anything and everything provided it doesn’t improve the state’s affordability. That makes him an excellent reflection of his caucus that collectively, over the past decade, have created quite a mess of our state’s finances and business climate. Even stern warnings from the country’s toughest Governor can’t seem to get them off of their rear ends and interesting in something useful.

Frankly, if they’d put half the effort into tax reform and ethics regulations that they’ve expended on abortion funding and gay marriage, then a blog named Save Jersey might be rendered superfluous.

But what did you really expect after all we’ve observed? These people can’t even let kids enjoy Halloween!

And it’s not just American liberals who are obsessed with the transforming the social sphere. Over in cash-stapped France where they recently elected a socialist president and raised income taxes on the “rich” to 75% (yes, that isn’t a typo, seventy-five percent), the government in Paris has nevertheless found the resources to mandate “100 percent reimbursement of medical costs by the state social security system” for abortions.

Sacré Bleu, Save Jerseyans!

So the next time a Democrat friend accuses your party of being obsessed with social issues, feel free to cite any of the examples above and remind them whose presidential nominee is openly dedicated to transforming the United States. The rest of us are trying to live and prosper in peace, Assemblyman Chivukula. Move to France if that cramps your style (or destroys your partisan narrative).


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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