Christie Watch for 4/19/13

April 19, 2013 Matt Rooney 38

GOP Governor Expected to Announce Post-Newtown Task Force Recommendations Friday Afternoon By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog This could be a fateful day for the Christie […]

Have You Seen These Men?

April 18, 2013 Matt Rooney 3

FBI Releases Video, Photographs of Alleged Suspects in Boston Marathon Bombing By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog From today’s press conference: httpv:// Click here for more […]

Christie Makes TIME 100

April 18, 2013 Matt Rooney 5

Christie Honored by TIME and a Familiar 4th Grade Fan By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog TIME Magazine’s 2013 “TIME 100” list is out this morning, […]

Christie Watch 4/18/13

April 18, 2013 Matt Rooney 3

N.J. Governor Heads to Beach, Courthouse By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Governor Chris Christie will swing through a Sandy-affected Shore community today before heading to […]

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Laut-able to Some But Futile

April 17, 2013 Art Gallagher 3

Lautenberg Returns to Washington to Vote for Gun Control Measures; Anti-Gun Legislation Still Fails in the Senate By Art Gallagher | U.S. Senator Frank Lautenberg returned to the […]

Tax Battle Moves to LD1

April 17, 2013 Matt Rooney 2

GOP Senate Challenger Accuses Incumbent of Tax Hypocrisy By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog As predicted, Save Jerseyans, some endangered legislative Dems are trying to use […]