Bridgegate Jumps the Shark?

By Joe Sinagra | The Save Jersey Blog

Fonzie_jumps_the_sharkIs it possible that the Dems are going overboard (or over the bridge? if you’ll forgive the bad pun) by jumping the shark too soon to hang a bridge scandal on Governor Chris Christie, Save Jerseyans?

There’s a good chance of it notwithstanding grim public polling in the immediate aftermath. After all does the guy in Bogalusa, Louisiana really care about a traffic jam on the George Washington Bridge in Fort Lee, New Jersey? Even if it does reinforce a “bullying” stereotype, will it really change anyone’s vote?

My educated guess: by 2016, Christie is likely to still be major contender to succeed Barack Obama, and it could be thanks to (not in spite of) the likes of Assemblyman John “the Wiz” Wisniewski and Frank “the Fibber” Pallone

2016 is a long way off and polls will change; we shouldn’t minimize the need for Chris Christie to walk a fine line between now and then. What matters is that he’s smart enough to appreciate the need and execute a plan.

Democrats fearing that Governor Christie could win the White House in 2016 won’t heed my warning above and will leave no stone unturned in trying to push Christie off his surfboard. 

Witch hunts sometime leave the witches in better shape than the hunters. Campaign ad, diner stops and all of the wealthy donors from both sides of the aisle combined couldn’t give Chris Christie the media attention – and name recognition, that he’ll have post-Bridgegate. If Christie wasn’t known before (and there were already precious few who hadn’t heard his name), with all the publicity surrounding the lane closures, his name is now as universally known nationwide as “Clinton,” “Bush” or “Obama.”

Pouring so much time and energy into discrediting Christie in the Court of public opinion is a very risky move.

Should Christie get past the bridge issue unscathed, he will be a top pick for the GOP since his name recognition as a tough and likable governor in one of the key states in the country will be in the forefront. If they do not find the smoking gun they are looking for, they just may have helped elect the next President of the United States by immunizing him against future character attacks.

It’s the “boy who cried wolf” principle.

Meanwhile, as Christie deals with reality in New Jersey, Hillary will continue to evade fictitious Bosnian sniper fire. What will matter is how she and her former boss, Mr. Obama, measure up to Governor Christie when undecided voters perform a contrast analysis.

If there are no hard facts after the bridge fiasco to link the Governor with having a hand in what transpired, by showing his resolve to deal with controversy and still do his job, Christie may come out of this stronger than the storm. 

Joe Sinagra
About Joe Sinagra 73 Articles
Joe is a U.S. Air Force veteran, small businessman and former candidate for the New Jersey legislature and New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District. He continues to actively work for GOP causes and candidates in the Central New Jersey region.


  1. Seems to me, the demoscabs are pulling out all the stops against Christie, because, he is probably the only one that can put up a fight against that traitor, hag, Hillary. Meanwhile, in the liberal media world, they are covering this “made up scandal”, all the while not even mentioning the fact about the bipartisan report that came out about Hillary’s involvement in Benghazi and that SHE was at fault….

  2. Seems to me, the demoscabs are pulling out all the stops against Christie, because, he is probably the only one that can put up a fight against that traitor, hag, Hillary. Meanwhile, in the liberal media world, they are covering this “made up scandal”, all the while not even mentioning the fact about the bipartisan report that came out about Hillary’s involvement in Benghazi and that SHE was at fault….

  3. Here’s are some hard facts: hiring people eho do illegalities reflects poorly on your ability to surround yourself with goid people. Fact: not looking into it for almost four months shows you are not interested in truth and facts. Fact: not talking to Bridgette Kelly to find out why she did what she did it eho eho else was involved or what other shenanigans they did makes you a poor leader.

    So if he’s not s bully eho was involved he’s clueless and incompetent. It undermines his credibility as anyone eho has to deal with his staff from now on will wonder if they are acting on his behalf or going rogue

    Enjoy the facts my friend

  4. Here’s are some hard facts: hiring people eho do illegalities reflects poorly on your ability to surround yourself with goid people. Fact: not looking into it for almost four months shows you are not interested in truth and facts. Fact: not talking to Bridgette Kelly to find out why she did what she did it eho eho else was involved or what other shenanigans they did makes you a poor leader.

    So if he’s not s bully eho was involved he’s clueless and incompetent. It undermines his credibility as anyone eho has to deal with his staff from now on will wonder if they are acting on his behalf or going rogue

    Enjoy the facts my friend

  5. @William No one is arguing that Bridgegate isn’t problematic. Joe’s point is that it’s all about perception and contrast, and the current Democrat strategy (a witch hunt rather than a legitimate, non-partisan investigation) has the potential to backfire big time.

  6. if they overreach, yes, but thats true of any party. The reason I disagree here is that even if he isn’t involved and even if he didn’t coverup after the fact (I think the first is believable and the second is entirely likely if the first isn’t the case) the problem is that its still bad for him because it makes him look clueless and ineffective that he can’t even know whats happening in his own house and his resistance to look into makes him look partisan and petty

  7. If Christie really knew nothing and really wasn’t involved, he’s an incompetent boob.

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